Why Business Needs Brazil in the Fight Against Climate Change
There is no agribusiness without a healthy Amazon, writes a former Brazilian governor and forestry executive.
There is no agribusiness without a healthy Amazon, writes a former Brazilian governor and forestry executive.
Xi Jinping’s visit to Brasília caps a highly successful effort of damage control.
Political support for Lava Jato has faded – along with judges’ incentives to crack down on corruption.
A pre-salt auction 20 years in the making could have broad repercussions for the economy and Jair Bolsonaro’s government.
Cuando una sequía prolongada acosó a São Paulo, rivales corporativos se olvidaran de la competencia y abrazaran la colaboración.
A close look at the country’s top water-related challenges – and the government’s efforts to address them.
When a once-in-250-years drought hit São Paulo, established rivals moved from competition to collaboration.
The two presidents’ penchants for looking to the past have the U.S. and Brazil on the wrong track.
A large privatization program already underway could help bridge the gap until reforms help boost growth.
The former “Lava Jato candidate” is weakening the fight against corruption – and he is not alone.
Economic and geopolitical interests clash with surging public concern about the environment.