AQ Top 5 Anti-Corruption Figures: Mercedes de Freitas
This article is adapted from AQ’s latest issue on Latin America’s anti-corruption movement. Click here to see the rest of our Top 5. | Leer en español “Corruption in Venezuela kills.” With that simple sentence, Mercedes de Freitas drives home the importance of her work in a country that is falling apart in a thousand different ways. As … Read more

The Lonely Prosecutor Who Tried to Build a “Lava Jato” in the Amazon
In this special report, AQ looks at how lawmen outside the national media spotlight struggle with threats, sabotage – and, often, failure.

AQ Top 5 Anti-Corruption Figures: José Domingo Pérez
By investigating three former presidents, this public prosecutor has made a name for himself in Peru.

AQ Top 5 Anti-Corruption Figures: Diana Salazar
A history-making prosecutor is shaking up Quito with bold investigations into the powerful.

Responses to the Venezuelan Migration Crisis: A Scorecard
Nativism is on the rise. International norms and responsible politicians are helping to contain it, for now.

The Activist Preparing for the Post-Maduro Corruption Battle
As her country spirals into chaos, Mercedes de Freitas tackles corruption with data.

Can Negotiation Actually Break the Stalemate in Venezuela?
Talks between Maduro and the opposition have failed before. Here’s a look at what to expect this time around.

Why Duque’s Call for National Unity May Be Destined to Fail
Colombia’s president hopes to rally the country around his legislative agenda. But first, he’ll need to compromise.

Why Colombia’s President Should Change Course on Venezuela
Iván Duque still has room to lead on the Venezuelan crisis. But political pressures and alignment with the U.S. will make a course correction difficult.

Showdown in Peru: What’s Next for Vizcarra’s Anti-Corruption Drive?
Peru’s president has scored a victory, but his quest to clean up politics is far from over.

Venezuela’s Transition Is Stalled, Not Derailed
Far from a victory, opposition uprisings in Venezuela show how fragile the government’s position really is.

Five Ways Spain Can Lead on Venezuela
Recent developments suggest Spain’s reluctant role in Venezuela’s crisis could be changing.

Venezuela’s Crisis Calls for Carrots, Not Sticks
U.S. military intervention would be unwelcome and counterproductive. Here’s an alternative with a better chance of success.

Colombia’s Finances Are Strained. Is Privatization the Next Step?
Venezuelan migration has placed additional pressure on President Iván Duque’s economic team.

Venezuela Isn’t Ready for Elections. The UN Could Help Change That.
International actors can help Venezuela prepare for the day when free and fair elections are a reality.