This Soccer Star Could Be Peru’s Next President
George Forsyth, a popular mayor and anti-crime crusader, is leading early presidential polls.

Latin American Congresses Could Become Irrelevant – Unless They Adapt
The pandemic is exposing how legislative powers in the region are outdated and poorly prepared for the 21st century.

Five Challenges Facing Iván Duque at His Presidency’s Halfway Point
Two years into his government, Duque is under pressure on all sides. How he reacts could shape his legacy.

How Latin Americans Are Using Pensions as a COVID-19 Lifeline
In Chile, Peru and elsewhere, governments are loosening regulations on pension withdrawals. What are the risks?

Welcome to a New Age of Big(ger) Government in Latin America
The region’s public sector will grow after the pandemic – and the temptation to undo market-friendly policies will be hard to resist.

Peru Squandered Its Early COVID Advantages. Here’s How It Can Recover.
Less red tape and more public-private cooperation would help Peru beat back the virus.

How Maduro Is Using COVID-19 to Silence His Opponents Even Further
New data show Venezuela’s government is targeting journalists and others who might expose the reality of COVID-19.

In Peru, Congress’ Move Against Immunity Isn’t What It Seems
A vote to strip privilege from lawmakers could actually further shield them from corruption charges.

Para los migrantes venezolanos, la COVID-19 está estimulando una crisis de salud mental
Nuevos datos sobre venezolanos en Perú subrayan el costo de la pandemia en la salud mental.

Looking at the Bright Side: 10 Positive Effects of the Pandemic
COVID-19 has already led to profound changes — many are here to stay.

For Venezuelan Migrants, COVID-19 Is Fueling a Mental Health Crisis
New data on Venezuelans in Peru underscores the pandemic’s toll on mental health.

Colombia’s Iván Duque Gambles On Reopening
The president has earned plaudits for his handling of COVID-19. But restarting the economy brings both health and political risks.

AQ Podcast: Grading Iván Duque’s Pandemic Politics
The coronavirus has provided the president an opportunity to stand on his own, says political analyst Laura Gil.

Trump, Venezuela and the ELN: The Geopolitics of Peace in Colombia
The ELN has become an increasingly binational insurgency, with major political implications for the region.

Don’t Forget About Ecuador
Despite Guayaquil’s healing, the country is still struggling. The private sector can help.