Bolivia’s Faded Star
Finance Minister Marcelo Montenegro received accolades for an impressive pandemic recovery, but his recent missteps may have exacerbated Bolivia’s crisis of uncertainty.

The U.S. Should Have Moderate Expectations for Venezuela’s Election
Upcoming elections can help the opposition reconnect with voters, but they won’t resolve everything and could come with downsides.

Ecuador’s Political Crisis: Three Scenarios
Both Guillermo Lasso’s impeachment and dissolution of Congress are possible outcomes. What would they look like?

Who Gets to Map Latin America’s Natural World?
A Peruvian artist’s ghostly landscapes raise questions about objectivity and authority in documenting the region’s environment.

The Intergenerational Heartbreak of Bolivia’s Urbanization
Alejandro Loayza Grisi’s “Utama” looks at the human side of environmental crisis in the Bolivian highlands.

Gustavo Petro Can’t Ignore Human Rights in Venezuela
At his summit on Venezuela, Colombia’s president must demand respect for democracy and the environment, writes a former Venezuelan mayor.

The “Bolivian Schindler” Who Saved Thousands of Jews—Then Faced Imprisonment
A new book details how mining titan Moritz “Mauricio” Hochschild helped Jews escape the Nazis in Bolivia, only to be scapegoated himself.

Ecuador’s Crime Wave and Its Albanian Connection
Criminal groups from the Balkans are helping turn the country into a major hub for illegal exports.

Why Dina Boluarte Could Make it to 2026
The disorganization of Peru’s political class could keep the president in office until 2026.

Venezuela’s Opposition Still Has Lots of Work to Do
Upcoming primary elections present an opportunity, but don’t guarantee unity—or a connection with voters.

AQ Podcast: Changing U.S. Policy Toward Venezuela
Former officials from both the Trump and Obama administrations argue the U.S. should support Venezuelan elections in 2024.

AQ Podcast: Gustavo Petro’s Challenging Moment
Petro is facing multiple crises. How will he react?

A Bipartisan U.S. Approach On Venezuela Is Possible—and Necessary
Trump and Obama National Security Council appointees pitch a new strategy, together.

AQ Podcast: How Organized Crime Is Changing In Latin America
An overview of the security landscape in the region, including how organized crime is pushing into previously calm countries

AQ Podcast | Ecuador: President Lasso in Trouble?
Ecuador’s president faces new pressure after losing a referendum, a political analyst says.