Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

China-Latin America 2.0

China-Latin America 2.0 What the Next Phase Will Look Like  Many Latin Americans are delighted by China’s growing presence – and largesse. But there is a clear need for change. Bolsonaro Took Aim at China. Then Reality Struck. By RICHARD LAPPERBrazil’s Jair Bolsonaro talked tough on China during his campaign, but his tone has changed … Read more


Meet the Candidates: Panama

Ending corruption is top on voters’ minds in Panama, but they’re split over who offers the most credible promise of change. 


How Colombia Is Protecting Indigenous and Afro-Descendant Knowledge

This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on piracy in Latin America Trade and intellectual property (IP) have been bound together for a long time. The first major international agreement on intellectual property dates back to 1883 with the signing of the Paris Convention. The treaty was formed after inventors refused to participate in … Read more

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