Venezuela’s Electoral Landscape Favors the Opposition
The fundamentals of the presidential race bode ill for Maduro, writes a seasoned pollster.

In Venezuela’s Election, Energy and Climate Policies Are Also at Stake
Without political change, the country’s lack of action on climate and the environment represents a huge opportunity cost, an expert writes.

AQ Podcast | Gustavo Petro: The Gap Between Rhetoric and Reality
At the halfway point of his presidency, Petro is still trying to deliver on his vision for a more equal and secure Colombia, while also dealing with a difficult economic climate. What can we expect from his next two years in office?

In the Americas, Democrats’ “Soft Power Matters”
A continuation of Biden’s policies would promote democracy while addressing hotspots like Haiti and Venezuela, two former national security officials write.

Nas Américas, o soft power de Biden é importante
Um segundo mandato de Biden continuaria a promover a democracia enquanto aborda pontos críticos como Haiti e Venezuela, escrevem dois ex-funcionários de segurança nacional.

A visão de Trump: “fazer as Américas crescerem novamente”
Um segundo mandato de Trump retomaria crescimento econômico do hemisfério por meio de políticas de nearshoring e outras iniciativas, escreve um ex-assessor.

AQ Podcast | The Bukele Model: Why It’s Hard to Replicate
In a region plagued by crime, some politicians are eager to replicate El Salvador’s gang crackdown. Can the model spread?

In Venezuela, Is This Time Different?
A unified opposition has a real chance to restore democracy on July 28. The U.S. should do everything possible to support the transition.

Panama’s New President Signals an Ambitious Agenda
José Raúl Mulino promises to close the Darién Gap to migration while pushing a major dam to shore up the Panama Canal.

REACTION: Bolivia’s Failed Coup Attempt and What It Means
The army’s commander, Juan José Zúñiga, tried to seize power before backing down.

AQ Podcast | Brazil: A Tough Moment for Lula 3
Brazil’s Lula is dealing with a selloff in financial markets and an increasingly hostile Congress. How has Brazilian politics changed since his first term in office two decades ago?

Las elecciones en Venezuela enfrentan obstáculos aparentemente insuperables
El régimen de Maduro está obstaculizando la observación internacional y el derecho al voto, complicando un panorama electoral ya de por sí incierto.

The U.S. Counterweight in Mexico
Washington needs a viable policy that balances a stricter line to protect critical U.S. interests at a vulnerable moment.

Venezuela’s Election Faces Seemingly Insurmountable Obstacles
Maduro’s regime is impeding international observation and the right to vote, complicating an already uncertain electoral landscape.