Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas
Summer 2013 Cover 140x181

Energy in the Americas

Articles: Power Shift by Jason Bordoff and Michael Levi Will the Western Hemisphere overtake the Middle East? (video available) Full text available. The Rising Global Thermostat: What business can do to lower the temperature by Ban Ki-moon What business can (and should) do to lower the temperature. Full text available. The Irrelevance of Global Climate … Read more

Spring 2013 issue cover_140x180

Latin America Goes Global

Articles: Latin America Goes Global by Jorge Heine A newfound sense of solidarity and purpose drives the region’s multilateral trade strategies. Available online soon. published article?1 Latin America Goes Global by Jorge Heine A newfound sense of solidarity and purpose drives the region’s multilateral trade strategies. Ten Things You Didn’t Know About U.S.-Latin America Relations … Read more

Winter 2013 Cover FINAL

Natural Resource Extraction in Latin America

Articles: The Geopolitics of the Modern Resource Boom by Bernice Lee Prepare for more supply disruptions, price swings and political tensions. Full text available. Resource Nationalism: Beyond Ideology by Hal Weitzman The hemisphere revives an old policy standby. Available online soon. published article?1 Resource Nationalism: Beyond Ideology by Hal Weitzman The hemisphere revives an old … Read more


Latin America’s Real Middle Class

Articles: Not Poor, But Not Middle Class Yet by Luis Felipe López-Calva Defining the middle class reveals a new vulnerable segment, and a new policy challenge. Full text available. Latin America’s Middle Class in Global Perspective by Jamele Rigolini Different patterns of economic growth in BRIC countries have brought different social changes. Full text available. … Read more


Gender Equality: Political Backrooms, Corporate Boardrooms and Classrooms

Articles: Beyond Equal Rights by Michelle Bachelet The region’s prospects for prosperity hinge on the economic empowerment of women. Full text available. Women’s Rights & U.S. Foreign Policy by Melanne Verveer Why unleashing women’s and girls’ potential is good diplomacy. Full text available. Cholera and the Road to Modernity: Lessons from One Latin American Epidemic … Read more


Social Inclusion

Articles: Global Poverty Amid Global Plenty: Getting Globalization Right by Dani Rodrik To lift their people out of poverty, nations need to enter the global economy. Full text available. Social Exclusion and Political Change by Hauke Hartmann and Daniel Schraad-Tischler When do inequality and economic frustration erupt into political turmoil? Full text available. A Matter … Read more


China’s Global Rise: Implications for the Americas

Articles: Time for a Strategic Reset by Elizabeth Economy Unless the leadership in Beijing changes course, it faces increasing isolation. (video interview available) Full text available. Trade Competition from China by Osvaldo Rosales The impact of Chinese exports on four countries in the region. Full text available. China’s Military Activity in Latin America by Gabriel … Read more


Impact Investing: Profit Meets Purpose

Articles: Hype or Promise by Antony Bugg-Levine and Jed Emerson Pairing philanthropy and profit takes work—and smart regulation. (video interview available) Full text available. Do Chinese Mining Companies Exploit More? by Barbara Kotschwar, Theodore Moran and Julia Muir Assessing their record on labor rights and the environment. (video available) Full text available. The Brazil–Africa Narco … Read more


Sports: Business, Integration and Social Change

Articles: Good Sports Lionel Messi, Albert Pujols, Marta Vieira, and other star athletes from the hemisphere highlight their favorite causes. Full text available. Brazil’s Long To-Do List by Andrew Zimbalist Can Brazil build the massive infrastructure it needs to host the Olympics and the World Cup? Full text available. It’s Not Your Grandfather’s Hemisphere by … Read more


The New Brazil and the Changing Hemisphere

Articles: Reflections on Brazil’s Global Rise by Celso Amorim The man who led Brazil into its new global era discusses his diplomatic vision and Brazil-U.S. relations. Full text available. The Other BRIC in Latin America: India by Jorge Heine and R. Viswanathan India emerges as a major partner for Latin America. Full text available. Immigrants … Read more


Free Trade and Market Access

Articles: Wake Up, Washington! by Eric Farnsworth While Washington sleeps, the U.S. is losing the battle for Latin America’s markets. Full text available. Breaking the Cycle by Dóra Beszterczey and Shannon O’Neil The best crime-fighting strategy? Improve economic opportunities for all. Full text available. Ask the Experts: Market Access and Free Trade by Ron Kirk, … Read more



Articles: Educational Entrepreneurs’ Dilemma by Fernando M. Reimers School reform needs innovation. Inertia and resistance to change threaten to close it off. Full text available. Failing Grade by Jeffrey M. Puryear and Tamara Ortega Goodspeed How well are Latin American students performing compared to their peers in other countries and regions? We really don’t know. … Read more


Health Care

Articles: Health Care: Expanding Coverage in the Americas Available online soon. Filling the Gap by Donika Dimovska The private sector is expanding access to the poor—and making a profit. Full text available. Lessons from the Mexican Reform by Dr. Julio Frenk Seguro Popular‘s far-reaching impact. Full text available. Finally Reaching the Poor by Amanda Glassman … Read more


Trafficking and Transnational Crime

Articles: Eight Steps to Reduce Crime by William J. Bratton and William Andrews Two U.S. policing experts propose a new strategy for Latin America. Full text available. Dirty Money by Kevin Casas-Zamora How to break the link between organized crime and politics. Full text available. published article?1 Crime’s Breeding Ground by Alma Guillermoprieto Poverty is … Read more


Voices from the New Generation

Articles: The Digital Integrator by Paulo Rogério “If we are able to influence public opinion through media outlets we will be able to overcome the black community’s traditional lack of political voice.” Full text available. The Third Man by Adrián Pérez (Argentina) “We have an opportunity to create a different Argentina, in which democracy is … Read more

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