10 Personas Que (Algún Día) Reconsutuirán Venezuela: El Capitán de la Industria
Lorenzo Mendoza es la cara de un sector privado que se ha tenido que adaptar para sobrevivir.
Lorenzo Mendoza es la cara de un sector privado que se ha tenido que adaptar para sobrevivir.
Reconstruir Venezuela requerirá de una diversidad de gente con gran talento y metas realistas. Este número muestra a diez de ellos y analiza detenidamente los desafíos futuros.
Rebuilding Venezuela will require a diverse mix of people with great talent and realistic goals. AQ’s new issue profiles 10 of them — and takes a hard look at the challenges ahead.
The roots of Venezuela’s crisis run deep – at least to the 1970s. Here’s why a renewal of leadership and ideas is so important.
Researchers are already plotting Venezuela’s post-Maduro recovery. This is one way a transition back to democracy could play out.
Venezuelans cope with hunger, disease and separation from their families.
A look at 10 leading opposition figures reveals discord and distrust among Maduro’s opponents.
Con solo 32 años, David Smolansky se ha convertido en un embajador de la democracia Venezolana.
Once the lifeblood of the economy, Venezuela’s oil industry is in a tailspin. Gustavo Baquero has a plan to fix it.
Asdrúbal Oliveros gives Venezuelans an unvarnished view of the economy – and what it will take to get it back on track.
Why Xi Jinping’s China may have more at stake in Venezuela than any other global power.
Venezuela’s schools are literally falling apart. Teachers like Mónica Kräuter are keeping the foundations intact.
Gustavo Dudamel is perhaps Venezuela’s most famous export. Here’s how he and other Venezuelan cultural icons can help their compatriots build bridges.
There are currently more than 200 political prisoners in Venezuela. Alfredo Romero is their advocate.
Thousands of talented Venezuelans have already left the country. Luring entrepreneurs like Marielena Polanco back will be critical to recovery.