“Crude Nation: How Oil Riches Ruined Venezuela”
This article is adapted from AQ’s special issue on the U.S.-Mexico relationship. To receive AQ at home, subscribe here. The story of Venezuela is one of Latin America’s most tragic. Home to massive oil resources, and once considered the region’s wealthiest country, Venezuela is today a nation in self-inflicted collapse. The ruling chavista movement — named for former President Hugo Chávez, who … Read more

Here’s What Happens When the U.S. and Mexico Fight
This article is adapted from AQ’s special issue on the U.S.-Mexico relationship. To receive AQ at home, subscribe here. I recently asked a group of mostly American students to identify important military figures in wars involving the United States. They easily produced names from the War of Independence, the Civil War and World War II. But they went blank trying … Read more

10 Things to Do: Mexico City
Mexico City continues to reinvent itself. Along with world-class museums, architectural gems from its Spanish colonial and Aztec past, and a vibrant urban culture, it is also a favorite destination for foodies and modern art collectors. 1. Bike La ReformaOn Sundays, Paseo de la Reforma, the artery that traverses the city center, is closed to … Read more

“Everything Else”
Sitting rigidly at her office desk, Doña Flor, a voter registration clerk in Mexico City, rejects the papers of the man sitting across from her, rebuffing his protests with stoic disapproval. “Don’t be angry, sir,” she says. “There are rules that have to be followed.” For Doña Flor, a middle-aged woman who lives alone with … Read more

Mexico City’s Mercado Roma
A trendy hangout for foodies and families in Mexico City is Mercado Roma, an upscale market offering everything from churros to tacos to huaraches(a dish of masa, varied toppings and queso fresco). Launched in May 2014 and located in the hip La Roma neighborhood, the concept was born of a traditional Mexican market, but offers … Read more

“Latin America and the Asian Giants: Evolving Ties with China and India”
Washington’s policies toward Latin America under a Donald Trump presidency have yet to come fully into view, but many in the region wonder — with good reason — about the future of U.S. engagement. The likelihood that the U.S. will play a diminishing role in economic and political affairs in places like Brazil and Colombia has given Asian nations … Read more

“La Historia Secreta del Proceso de Paz”
In August 2010, three days into his first term as president, Colombia’s Juan Manuel Santos met for the first time with his Venezuelan counterpart, Hugo Chávez. Relations between their two countries had hit bottom during the administration of Santos’s predecessor, Álvaro Uribe. But now, in the city of Santa Marta on Colombia’s Caribbean coast, the … Read more

“Things We Lost in the Fire”
What terrifies more, the past or the present? The imaginary or the real? The supernatural or the self? Don’t answer. Not yet. Not until you’ve read Mariana Enríquez’s masterful, disturbing short story collection, Things We Lost in the Fire (Hogarth Press). Wait until you’ve traveled, eyes open, through her perilous terrain, where either/or categories are … Read more

Introducing AQ’s Top 5 Young Entrepreneurs in Latin America
The world’s strongest entrepreneurial culture can be found in Latin America. That may sound like an exaggeration, but it’s actually true. A whopping 89 percent of Latin American youths say they want to work for themselves, or start and grow a business, according to a global survey of 5,000 youths commissioned by the Citi Foundation. … Read more

María Eugenia Vidal y la otra Buenos Aires
Read in English En la Buenos Aires que todos conocen, la Buenos Aires de teatros de ópera, bifes de chorizo y “boliches” que ni sueñan con abrir antes de la 1 am, casi es posible olvidarte de que hay recesión. Las parrillas están llenas, los rosedales florecidos y en las grandes avenidas resuenan los icónicos … Read more

Claves del éxito para mujeres emprendedoras
Read in English Desde la importancia de conseguir un buen mentor hasta la ventaja de usar nuevas tecnologías, hay muchas cosas que las mujeres en Latinoamérica pueden hacer para lanzar sus propios negocios y llevarlos al éxito. Le pedimos consejos a algunas de las más destacadas emprendedoras de la región. Libera el poder de mentores … Read more

“Eres muy bonita, pero…” Mi experiencia como mujer emprendedora en México
Read in English “Eres muy linda y pareces muy inteligente, pero quiero hablar con el hombre que toma las decisiones”. A pesar de explicar que yo era la mujer a cargo de tomar estas decisiones, como cofundadora y directora de crecimiento de Kichink, una plataforma de comercio electrónico basada en Ciudad de México, este hombre … Read more

How to Keep Latin America’s Entrepreneurship Boom on Track
This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on entrepreneurship. To see our AQ Top 5 list of young entrepreneurs in Latin America, click here. Emprendedor, emprendedurismo and emprendimiento might have existed in Latin American dictionaries before 1999, but the terms were rarely a point of reference for anyone. And when Latin Americans did think … Read more

“You are very pretty, but…” – My Experience as a Woman Entrepreneur in Mexico
This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on entrepreneurship. To see our AQ Top 5 list of young entrepreneurs in Latin America, click here. Leer en español “You are very pretty and seem very smart, but I want to talk to the man who makes the decisions.” Despite explaining that I was the woman … Read more

Keys to Success for Latin America’s Women Entrepreneurs
This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on entrepreneurship. To see our AQ Top 5 list of young entrepreneurs in Latin America, click here. Leer en español From finding a source of good advice to making use of new technology, there are many things that women in Latin America can do to start and … Read more