Curating on the Divide
This article is adapted from AQ’s special issue on the U.S.-Mexico relationship. To receive AQ at home, subscribe here. Over the last two decades, inSite has established itself as a pioneering curatorial and artistic program for contemporary art in Latin America. In five editions held at the Tijuana-San Diego border, inSite has supported more than 150 commissions by Mexican and … Read more

Two Poems on Border Identity
This article is adapted from AQ’s special issue on the U.S.-Mexico relationship. To receive AQ at home, subscribe here. Borders I recognize the signs of heartbreakI recognize them in mein the ball of twine four inches … Read more

Juárez-El Paso’s Cross-border Harmony
This article is adapted from AQ’s special issue on the U.S.-Mexico relationship. To receive AQ at home, subscribe here. Just a few days after Donald Trump’s inauguration on January 20, hundreds of young musicians from the United States and Mexico performed Verdi’s “Triumphal March” from Aida to audiences on both sides of the border. It wasn’t meant as political commentary , but … Read more

Border Beat: Tijuana’s Homegrown Electronic Sound
This article is adapted from AQ’s special issue on the U.S.-Mexico relationship. To receive AQ at home, subscribe here. “Fusion” is often less than the sum of its parts, whether in music, food or anything else (I’m looking at you, Snuggie). But that’s not the case when it comes to Nortec — a merger of traditional northern Mexican and electronic sounds that … Read more

I Visited Flint, Michigan and a Mexican Boomtown to Study NAFTA’s Effects. Here’s What I Found.
Hundreds of miles from the border – in either direction – U.S.-Mexico interdependence is a fact of life.

DREAMers and Asylum Seekers: The Other Faces of Deportation
This article is adapted from AQ’s special issue on the U.S.-Mexico relationship. To receive AQ at home, subscribe here. Claudia Amaro and Hector Yamil Yaujar lead the same quiet, law-abiding lives as most of their neighbors in Wichita, Kansas. Amaro is a teacher; Yaujar runs a home repair company. Their son, Yamil Jr., 17, excels in school and wants to become an … Read more

Why a ‘Great Wall’ Won’t Stop the Cross-Border Gun Trade
This article is adapted from AQ’s 2017 special report on the U.S.-Mexico relationship. To receive AQ at home, subscribe here. That Mexico’s drug cartels get their firepower from the United States is no longer much of a mystery. Even President Donald Trump has acknowledged that the U.S. should do more to curb the flow of arms across its southern border. But Trump’s plan … Read more

Quiz: Are They A) Mexican B) American or C) Both?
The U.S. and Mexico share a 2,000 mile border, 200 years of history and more personal relationships than anyone can count. But they may be even more interconnected than you think. Take our AQ quiz and see if you can decide whether these 12 items are best described as Mexican, American or Both. 1Caesar Salad … Read more

En casa en los dos lados de la frontera
Read in English Me podrían llamar un hijo adoptivo de la frontera. Como un nativo del estado de Durango, al norte de México, pasé buena parte de mi infancia entre El Paso y Ciudad Juárez. De niño me la pasaba mirando una estrella de navidad que brillaba desde la sierra de los Mansos en El … Read more

5 People Who Bring Mexico and the U.S. Closer Together
This article is adapted from AQ’s special issue on the U.S.-Mexico relationship. To receive AQ at home, subscribe here. | Leer en español Whether in sports, politics, food or the arts, the U.S. and Mexico have enriched one another in countless ways. That’s why AQ has selected its Top 5 Border Ambassadors to highlight those who … Read more

Indivisible: The Truth About the U.S. and Mexico
Let’s improve the relationship, not destroy it. A new issue of AQ looks at where U.S.-Mexico ties stand today, and where they’re headed.

The True Relevance of NAFTA
This article is adapted from AQ’s special issue on the U.S.-Mexico relationship. To receive AQ at home, subscribe here. When the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was negotiated in the early 1990s, its founders took care to insert an exit clause — as Article 2205. It stipulates that a party might withdraw with six months’ notice and that the agreement would remain in … Read more

At Home on Both Sides of the Border
A Mexican-born journalist writes about how living in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands has always required resilience, ingenuity – and a sense of humor.

Visité dos ciudades industriales en EE.UU. y México para estudiar los efectos del TLCAN. Esto fue lo que encontré.
Read in English Considerada desde hace tiempo como el epicentro del declive de la industria manufacturera estadounidense, Flint, Michigan, parece haber entrado en una sorprendente nueva fase: la recuperación. Una compañía farmacéutica en expansión y nuevas inversiones en universidades y hospitales están creando nuevos empleos. Los restaurantes y los bares están de nuevo iluminando el … Read more

AQ Top 5 Embajadores de la Frontera: Adrián González
Read in English Para Adrián González, el béisbol comenzó en la frontera. Nacido en San Diego, criado en Tijuana, y ahora pelotero para Los Angeles Dodgers, creció jugando en las Pequeñas Ligas en los dos países, yendo y viniendo durante los fines de semana para jugar la mayor cantidad de tiempo posible. Evidentemente, valió la … Read more