AQ Top 5 Latin American Art Activists: Edel Rodriguez
Known for his raw depictions of Donald Trump, this Cuban artist sees parallels between his past and present.
Known for his raw depictions of Donald Trump, this Cuban artist sees parallels between his past and present.
This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on peace and economic opportunity in Colombia Few stories better illustrate Mexico’s deep-rooted inequalities — and the broken legacy of its century-old constitution — than the giddy career of William O. Jenkins. In 1901, this Tennessee farm boy placed his bets on Mexico. Shortly before crossing the Rio Grande, he had … Read more
This article was adapted from AQ’s print issue on economic opportunity and peace in Colombia AQ: How does the crisis in Venezuela specifically threaten people with HIV? Jesus Aguais: Eighty percent of people with HIV who should be on treatment are not. That’s terrible from a public health perspective. Not only are people going to … Read more
This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on peace and economic opportunity in Colombia Gastón Solnicki’s Kékszakállú defies easy categorization. Billed as the Argentine director’s first foray into narrative cinema, this dreamy sun-kissed poem of a film feels indebted to his work in nonfiction filmmaking. With little regard to a standard plot, Kékszakállú offers … Read more
There is a truly extraordinary gap today between how the world sees Colombia, and how Colombia sees itself. To most outsiders, Colombia is a spectacular success story – the country that defeated kidnappers and cocaine kingpins, and stepped back from the brink of becoming a “failed state” in the 1980s and 90s. Home to the … Read more
This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on peace and economic opportunity in Colombia Once upon a time, back in the long-ago mists of, say, 2012, Brazil was still seen as a benign force in the world. Other countries, from Namibia to Peru to Mozambique, were seduced by its lively democracy and admirable record … Read more
This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on peace and economic opportunity in Colombia The only thing we can do is tell stories and believe that one day we will be saved by them,” says the narrator of Colombian novelist Santiago Gamboa’s nightmarish new thriller, Return to the Dark Valley. The narrator, known only as the Consul, … Read more
Este artículo está adaptado de la edición impresa de AQ sobre Colombia | Read in English | Ler em português Todos hemos leído los titulares: Petrobras, la empresa estatal de petróleos de Brasil, se ha convertido en los últimos años en un sinónimo de disfunción y corrupción, el epicentro del llamado escándalo de Lava Jato en el que por … Read more
Este artículo está adaptado de la edición impresa de AQ sobre la paz y oportunidad económica en Colombia | Read in English Gustavo Petro, un tipo de baja estatura, flaco y de gafas, propenso a pasarse horas debatiendo temas complicados como la geopolítica latinoamericana, no es la típica figura que uno se imagina al pensar en un agitador … Read more
Este artículo está adaptado de la edición impresa de AQ sobre Colombia en el post-conflicto | Read in English Los colombianos irán a las urnas en mayo próximo para elegir a un nuevo presidente. Este hecho debería inaugurar un período de paz y prosperidad para mi país, pues serán las primeras elecciones que se producen después de la … Read more
Este artículo está adaptado de la edición impresa de AQ sobre la paz y oportunidad económica en Colombia | Read in English Los vendedores de una feria de café que se llevó a cabo en julio sobre una cancha de básquetbol en el pueblo colombiano de Algeciras ofrecían fertilizante y fumigadores portátiles. Unos compradores especializados … Read more
This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on youth in Latin America After falling steadily for more than a decade, violence in Rio de Janeiro is again on the rise; 2,723 people were killed in Rio state in the first six months of 2017 alone. To understand what’s driving the increase, AQ spoke with … Read more
For our latest print issue on youth in Latin America, we asked leading young politicians, artists and entrepreneurs from around the region about the biggest challenge facing youth in their country today. See all of their answers here. In my lifetime, El Salvador has always been at war with itself. Though we signed a peace treaty in … Read more
To be 18 in Latin America today is to believe anything is possible. After all, today’s young people have grown up in a time of almost unprecedented growth and opportunity. They are the first raised in a Latin America where the middle class outnumbers the poor. They are far more connected to the world via those … Read more
This article is adapted from AQ‘s print issue on youth in Latin America The corridos of northern Mexico have been described as musical newspapers, folk histories timed to the lively wheeze of an accordion that celebrate the poor, the forgotten and the outlaws. Within the last 20 years, as the war on drugs accelerated, the … Read more