The Real Risks Facing Brazil After January 8
After the failed insurrection in Brasília, authorities worry about domestic terrorism and the loyalties of Brazil’s armed forces and police, writes AQ’s editor-in-chief.

REACTION: Chile’s New Constitutional Roadmap
Congress approved a plan to draft a constitution in 2023.

Zury Ríos Campaigns to Lead Guatemala’s Faltering Democracy
A controversial past weighs heavily on the conservative’s presidential bid.

Mia Mottley: Caribbean, or World Leader?
The prime minister of Barbados’ ambitious plans to finance the fight against the climate crisis have the world listening.

REACTION: Brazil’s Capital Invasion: What’s Next?
Attackers invaded the centers of power in Brasília, asking for an intervention.

Is Bolivia the Next Nicaragua?
The arrest of opposition leader Luis Fernando Camacho has set off protests and raised worries about the political process in the country.

Latin America, Alone in a Distracted World
The region has more autonomy than any point in recent memory. That brings opportunities and challenges.

China’s Evolving Presence in Latin America
As Chinese loans drop off, policymakers in the region must consider how other pillars of the economic relationship have remained steady.

Pelé Was a Genius at More Than Soccer
The king of futebol was not an easy man to know—but he could be generous in unexpected ways.

Understanding Lula 3.0
Will more pro-business voices prevail in Brazil’s new government? AQ’s editor-in-chief looks to Lula’s long history as a guide.

Guillermo Lasso Searches for a Breakthrough
Ecuador’s president hopes to escape political impasse with a referendum and by pushing forward free trade.

Can Argentina’s Moderates Go the Distance?
Buenos Aires Mayor Horacio Rodríguez Larreta pledges to bridge the political divides that have begun to wear on many Argentines.

Latin America in 2023: Five Trends to Watch
Instability, anti-incumbent voting and a tough macroeconomic environment are here to stay.

After Pedro Castillo, What’s Next for Peru?
President Dina Boluarte will confront a familiar set of problems: a hostile Congress and pressing socio-economic challenges.

In Venezuela, a Delicate Balance for the ICC
The International Criminal Court is pressing Venezuela to punish human rights abuses—but few results have so far emerged.