Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Ollanta Humala Leads Keiko Fujimori in Peru Vote, Declares Victory

With 89.2 percent of the ballots counted from yesterday’s presidential runoff election in Peru, first-round winner and Gana Perú candidate Ollanta Humala leads first-round runner-up and Fuerza 2011 candidate Keiko Fujimori by a less than 3 percent margin. Shortly after midnight yesterday, Humala declared victory in downtown Lima and delivered a speech to supporters in … Read more


Funes Announces New Security Plan in El Salvador

El Salvador President Mauricio Funes started his third year in office last week with a series of policy announcements primarily dealing with citizen security. The proposed security policies would first institute compulsory military service for 5,000 at-risk youth between the ages of 14 and 16. These young men and women will be recruited if they … Read more


Humala, Fujimori Close Campaigns at Dueling Thursday Night Rallies

Peru will elect a new President on Sunday in a second-round election pitting Fuerza 2011 candidate Keiko Fujimori against Gana Perú candidate Ollanta Humala. Both candidates yesterday delivered their closing campaign speeches in which Humala focused on the fight against poverty and inequality, while Fujimori stressed pro-growth policies and pledged to honor all of Peru’s … Read more


Democracy Defenders, Activists Tentatively Back Humala

In the final weeks of a bruising presidential campaign, human rights activists and democracy defenders in Peru have rallied around left-wing nationalist candidate Ollanta Humala—not because they are overly confident in his candidacy, but because they fear a return to the past. “From Humala we have doubts, but with Keiko we have proof,” they say, … Read more


Argentina Passes Strict Anti-Tobacco Laws

Argentina’s Chamber of Deputies, the lower house of Congress, yesterday approved nationwide public smoking bans and strict advertising regulations for tobacco companies—by a vote of 181-0 with one abstention. The vote echoes a bill already ratified by the Argentine Senate in August 2010, and a similar law in the Buenos Aires municipality in effect since … Read more


Weekly Roundup from Across the Americas

From Americas Society/Council of the Americas. AS/COA Online’s news brief examines the major—as well as some of the overlooked—events and stories occurring across the Americas. Check back every Wednesday for the weekly roundup. Sign up to receive the Weekly Roundup via email. Peru Runoff: Fujimori and Humala in a Tight Race to the Finish Peru’s … Read more


Does Gender Matter in Peru’s Presidential Race?

For several weeks now, Keiko Fujimori has been ahead in most of the major polls.  If she wins, she will be the first female president in Peru. While Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa, who ran against Keiko’s father in 1990 has said the choice between Ollanta Humala and Keiko is like choosing between AIDS and … Read more


Funes Completes Two Years as Salvadoran President

Amid a mix of praise and criticism, President Mauricio Funes today marks his second anniversary as the leader of El Salvador, with surveys showing that Salvadorans commend him for his progressive social policies but disapprove of the economy’s slow growth and rampant violence. In a national survey conducted by the Instituto Universitario de Opinión Pública … Read more


Fujimori, Humala Tied Ahead of Sunday’s Election

With Peru’s presidential runoff only five days away, the last polls that can be legally published before the vote show that the race is neck-and-neck. The Peruvian polling firm Imasen reported on Sunday that Ollanta Humala of Gana Perú holds a slim 1.3 percent lead over his opponent, Keiko Fujimori of the Fuerza 2011 party. … Read more


Time to Talk about Venezuela

Last week, President Barack Obama delivered a major foreign policy speech about the “Arab Spring” in the Middle East and North Africa.  It was bold, insightful and comprehensive.  He mentioned just about every country in those areas that has made headlines recently: Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Bahrain, Syria, and Yemen. Just about every country except for … Read more


Large-Scale Protests Roil Puno, Peru

Thousands of Indigenous protestors have mobilized in the highland city of Puno, Peru, this week over fears that a Canadian-led silver mining operation will contaminate water supplies in the area. The protests, which began on Thursday, have largely cut off the city of 120,000 from the rest of Peru, stranded hundreds of foreign tourists who … Read more


Fujimori Widens Lead in Peru Presidential Race

Less than 10 days before Peru’s presidential run-off election, Keiko Fujimori of the Fuerza 2011 ticket is pulling ahead of Gana Perú candidate Ollanta Humala, according to the latest figures by polling firm Datum. Fujimori had the support of 52.9 percent of respondents, compared to 47.1 percent for Humala. This latest poll, which surveyed 1,214 … Read more


Weekly Roundup from Across the Americas

From Americas Society/Council of the Americas. AS/COA Online’s news brief examines the major—as well as some of the overlooked—events and stories occurring across the Americas. Check back every Wednesday for the weekly roundup. Sign up to receive the Weekly Roundup via email. PDVSA Hit with U.S. Sanctions over Iran Ties Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolás Maduro … Read more


Brazil to Ease Amazon Deforestation Restrictions

Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies voted yesterday in favor of a measure easing forest preservation requirements in the Amazon region. The vote comes only a week after Environment Minister Izabella Teixeira announced the creation of a high-level deforestation commission tasked with “suffocating deforestation.”  Under the new law, commercial farmers would be allowed to clear previously restricted … Read more

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