Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

AQ Podcast: Is Jair Bolsonaro’s Government Doomed?

Sérgio Moro's departure is likely to cost the president some support, but its impact is complex.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The resignation of Brazil’s popular Justice Minister Sérgio Moro shook Brazilian politics on April 24, but its ripples are still being felt. Political analyst Thomas Traumann joins AQ’s Brian Winter to discuss the behind-the-scenes maneuvering that may have led to Moro’s demise. They’ll also assess the likelihood of impeachment and the future of Finance Minister Paulo Guedes, whose motivations for staying on the job seem less clear than they did a month ago.

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Thomas Traumann is a Rio de Janeiro-based political analyst and author of O Pior Emprego do Mundo (“The Worst Job in the World”), a book about Brazilian finance ministers.

Brian Winter is the editor-in-chief of Americas Quarterly.

Background reading:


Tags: AQ Podcast, Bolsonaro, Brazil, podcast
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