Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

AQ Podcast | A Surprising Case for Optimism in Peru

A former finance minister on how the country could make the most of high copper prices and new ports coming online soon
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Peru’s story in the past 20 years has gone from fast growth and poverty reduction to fractious politics and a dwindling economy. In this episode, Alfredo Thorne, a former finance minister (2016-2017), makes the case for how the country could get back on track to restore growth and distribute it more fairly between rich and poor, Lima and the rest of the country. In his view, high copper prices and new ports expected to be inaugurated soon provide that opportunity, despite the risks associated with a dependency on commodities for development.

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Alfredo Thorne is an economist, a former finance minister of Peru (2016-2017) and principal director at Thorne & Associates, a Lima-based advisory firm.


Brian Winter is the editor-in-chief of Americas Quarterly

If you’d like to know more: 

Can Copper Prices and Nearshoring Restart Peru’s Economic Dynamism? by Alfredo Thorne

What Caused Peru’s Economic Downfall? by Alfredo Thorne

AQ Podcast: An X-Ray of Peru’s Tinderbox

Peru’s Next Generation of Leaders Is Leaving by Andrea Monada

Tags: AQ Podcast, China and Latin America, Peru, Peru Mining
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