Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Susan Segal

Segal is President and CEO of Americas Society and Council of the Americas.


Luis Moreno Ocampo

Luis Moreno Ocampo assisted in the prosecution of leaders of Argentina’s military junta in 1985. He is currently chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.


Kurt Weyland

Kurt Weyland is the Lozano Long Professor of Latin American Politics at the University of Texas at Austin.


Anne-Marie Slaughter

Anne-Marie Slaughter is the former director of Policy Planning for the United States Department of State. Currently, she is dean of Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.


Ernesto Semán

Ernesto Semán is the head of CELS’ New York office.


Gastón Chillier

Gastón Chillier is executive director of the Buenos Aires-based Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS).


R. Viswanathan

R. Viswanathan currently serves as India’s ambassador to Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.


Jorge Heine

Jorge Heine is a public policy fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington D.C. and a former Chilean ambassador to the People’s Republic of China.


Marty Markowitz

Marty Markowitz is in his tthird term as borough president of Brooklyn, New York.


Robert A. Baade

Robert A. Baade is the Albert Blake Dick Professor of Economics at Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, Illinois, USA.


Mick Cornett

Mick Cornett is the mayor of Oklahoma City and Governing Magazine‘s 2010 Public Official of the Year


Larry Rohter

Larry Rohter is The New York Times‘ former bureau chief for Rio de Janeiro and author of Brazil on the Rise.


Jeffrey Bliss

Jeffrey Bliss is an adjunct professor at the George Washington University and president of The Javelin Group.


Lisa Delpy Neirotti

Lisa Delpy Neirotti is a professor at The George Washington University School of Business and Director of Sport Management Programs.


Amit Bouri

Amit Bouri is the director of strategy and development for the Global Impact Investing Network.

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