Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Sam Mendelson

Sam Mendelson is monitoring and evaluation specialist at Arc Finance. He is the co-author since 2009 of the Microfinance Banana Skins risk survey, and is the current dfid/Citi Development Fellow.  


Sara Rafsky

Sara Rafsky is Americas research associate at the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) where she reports on press freedom conditions in the region.  


Mauri König

Mauri König is a special correspondent for the Gazeta do Povo newspaper and the director of the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (ABRAJI).  


Kevin M. Goldberg

Kevin M. Goldberg is an attorney at Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, P.L.C., where he specializes in first amendment, Freedom of Information Act and intellectual property issues.  


Guillermo Mastrini

Guillermo Mastrini is director of the Master’s in Cultural Industries program at Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ).  


Martín Becerra

Martín Becerra is a professor at the School of Communications at the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ).  


Alfredo Corchado

Alfredo Corchado is a visiting fellow at the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies program at the University of California San Diego, codirector of the Borderlands Program at the Coronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University, and the border-Mexico correspondent for the Dallas Morning News. He is currently writing his second book, Shadows at Dawn.

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Michèle Montas-Dominique

Michèle Montas-Dominique is a Haitian journalist and former spokeswoman for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.  


Tim Padgett

Tim Padgett is an American journalist and WRLN-Miami Herald News’ Americas correspondent. He has covered Latin America for almost 25 years.  


Ricardo Uceda

Ricardo Uceda is a Peruvian investigative journalist and executive director of the Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS).  


Jorge Ramos

Jorge Ramos is a Mexican journalist and the anchorman for Noticiero Univision since 1986.  


Carlos Dada

Carlos Dada is a Salvadoran journalist and the founder and director of the news website El Faro.  


Wilda Escarfuller & Adam Frankel

Wilda Escarfuller and Adam Frankel are contributing bloggers to AQ Online. Wilda is editorial associate of Americas Quarterly and policy associate at Americas Society/Council of the Americas. Adam is a human rights researcher specializing in race, gender and sexuality issues in Latin America. Follow them on Twitter at @Wilda_E and @AdamJFrankel.


Caitlin Andrews

Caitlin Andrews is a Ph.D. student at the University of Texas at Austin.


Katie Micklethwaite

Katie Micklethwaite is an analyst for Control Risks, a global risk consultancy.

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