Ricardo Herrero
Herrero is the executive director of the Cuba Study Group.
John McIntire
McIntire is the chairman of the Cuba Emprende Foundation and a director of the Cuba Study Group.
Rut Diamint
Diamint works at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and CONICET. She’s an expert in security issues, democracy, and civil-military relations.

Laura Tedesco
Tedesco is a Saint Louis University Political Science Faculty Member. Expertise in Latin American politics, development, democracy, human rights, and the monitoring of political leadership.

Xavier Michon
Michon is the Resident Representative for the United Nations Development Program in Haiti.

Mary Triny Zea
Zea is an investigative reporter based in Panama City with over 15 years of experience. She is an eight-time winner of Panama’s premier national journalism prize.
Carlos A. Pérez Ricart
Pérez Ricart is an assistant professor of international relations at the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE) in Mexico City.
Connor Pfeiffer
Pfeiffer is director of Congressional Relations at FDD Action, a non-profit, non-partisan organization established to advocate for effective policies to promote U.S. national security and defend free nations. He previously was executive director of the Forum for American Leadership.

Solange Márquez Espinoza
Márquez Espinoza is a geopolitical analyst, risk consultant, and expert on fallen democracies and the rise of authoritarianism and populist regimes. She holds a Ph.D. in constitutional law from Mexico’s UNAM.
Laura Glanc
Glanc is a researcher and holds both an MA and PhD in Ideology and Discourse Analysis from Essex University. She is part of Amassuru, a network of women working on security and defense issues in Latin America and the Caribbean.