Violence Against Women Is at the Center of Mexico’s Security Crisis
A recent mob attack underscores the need to recognize the gendered dimensions of violence in a critical election year.

Ecuador’s Crime Wave and Its Albanian Connection
Criminal groups from the Balkans are helping turn the country into a major hub for illegal exports.

The Colombian Think Tank Bridging Two Worlds
Casa de las Estrategias brings insights from low-income Medellín neighborhoods to the policy-making conversation.

This Brazilian State Seems to Have Turned a Corner on Violence. But Can It Last?
When AQ visited Ceará in 2018, it was among the most violent in the country. A lot has changed.

Reducing Homicide in Brazil: Insights Into What Works
Amid startling levels of violence, Brazilian state and municipal governments can be a source for innovative solutions.

Targeting “Hot Spots” Could Drastically Reduce Latin America’s Murder Rate
Leer en español | Ler em português In Bogotá, just 1.2 percent of street addresses account for 99 percent of homicides. In Medellín, 40 percent of all crimes occur in just 10 hours of the 168-hour week. Perhaps more than any other part of the world, homicide in Latin America is concentrated by time and place … Read more

How Foreign Policy Can Help Address Brazil’s Violence Epidemic
Last week, Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública, a well-respected NGO based in São Paulo, published a series of grim statistics. In 2015, a staggering 58,383 people were assassinated in Brazil. The number of murders in Brazil increased over 250 percent in the last three decades, jumping from 13,910 in 1980 to above 50,000 in 2012. … Read more

Life in Venezuela’s – and the World’s – Most Violent City
Leer en español Already the most dangerous city in the world, Venezuela’s capital is only getting more dangerous for people like city councilman Jesús Armas. Since the 29-year-old was first elected in December 2013, he has seen the Caracas’ murder rate rise to 120 homicides per 100,000 people – and he expects this to worsen further amid … Read more

Brazil, Heaven and Hell in the Same Day
Last Thursday began beautifully, deep in the Brazilian Amazon, with a walk through a lush city park. I strolled among bougainvillea and castanha do Pará and samaúma trees. I saw a large red and blue macaw ambling down the sidewalk, and had just sat down to take a selfie with him when the little jerk … Read more

Latin America’s Poverty Is Down, But Violence Is Up. Why?
Versão em português With poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean at its lowest level in decades, why is violence off the charts? Although some countries are worse off than others, the region features the world’s highest homicide rates. This relationship is puzzling and counterintuitive. Researchers tend to expect an inverse relationship between improvements in the welfare of the … Read more
High Inequality
Latin America suffers from both the world’s highest rate of income inequality and from a lackluster economic performance that puts it well behind the growth levels of other emerging regions such as Asia. Could there be a connection? Recent research suggests that high inequality and low social mobility are more than just poor people’s problems: … Read more