Linha do tempo: a política dos EUA para a América Latina nos governos Trump e Biden
A AQ traça o histórico das relações dos governos Trump e Biden com países da região, do USMCA às ações de Biden na fronteira.

NEW AQ: What the U.S. Election Means for Latin America
In AQ’s new special report, former advisers from the Trump and Biden administrations write on the impact another term for their onetime boss would have on the region.

Timeline: U.S.-Latin America Relations Under Trump and Biden
AQ highlights the major moments in hemispheric relations under the two presidents, from USMCA to Biden’s border action.

Cronología: Relaciones EE.UU.-América Latina durante Trump y Biden
AQ resalta los momentos más importantes en las relaciones con la región bajo los dos presidentes; del USMCA a las acciones de Biden en la frontera.

The Monroe Doctrine Turns 200. Why Won’t It Go Away?
The infamous U.S. policy went from being celebrated in Latin America to despised. Today, its chief legacy is confusion.

The Midterms Will Change U.S. Latin America Policy, Just Not the Way You Think
The red wave was coming—until it wasn’t.

Joe Biden and the Future of the Americas
US policy towards Latin America should prioritize cooperation, rule of law and climate change, among other considerations, writes a former Biden advisor.

Joe Biden responde a 10 preguntas sobre América Latina
El candidato demócrata respondió en marzo a preguntas sobre Venezuela, el cambio climático y más.

As repostas de Joe Biden sobre 10 temas da América Latina
O candidato do partido Democrata respondeu em março a perguntas sobre temas como Venezuela, mudança climática e outras.

Joe Biden Answers 10 Questions on Latin America
The Democratic candidate responded in March to questions about Venezuela, climate change and more.

Joe Biden: The Western Hemisphere Needs U.S. Leadership
Pulling back from Latin America will lead to gains in the region for Russia, China and others, warns the former vice president.

Why Ambassador Feeley’s Resignation Is So Devastating
When the ambassador to Panama resigned his post, U.S. diplomacy lost one of its most talented Latin America hands.

What Trump’s “America First” Means for Latin America
Smart great powers ensure their safety by befriending smaller neighboring countries. China is engaged in a high-profile charm offensive to overcome long-standing animosities and draw its Southeast Asian neighbors into its orbit, through trade agreements and massive infrastructure projects. The Russia of Vladimir Putin is working hard to regain influence in territories of the former … Read more