Trump Always Wanted Tariffs on Mexico
Mexico’s efforts to appease the White House through cooperation may have been doomed from the start, writes AQ’s editor-in-chief.

U.S.-Canada Ties May Face Even Bigger Trouble
Impending tariffs are inflaming anti-U.S. sentiment ahead of an increasingly unpredictable election.

Latin America Is an Opportunity for Trump
The region is eager for greater U.S. attention, writes AS/COA’s CEO.

Bolsonaro May Need His Trump Card
Brazil’s former President Jair Bolsonaro still has hopes of running in 2026, and will probably appeal for help from the next occupant of the White House.

Trump’s Comeback Could Disrupt Latin America’s Remittances
Plans to accelerate deportations, curb immigration, and tax remittances may restrict a vital flow of capital and source of growth in the region.

What Marco Rubio Has Said About Latin America
Trump’s nominee for Secretary of State is known for his hardline stances on dictatorships and China’s activity in the region.

Donald Trump and the Return of the Monroe Doctrine
Another Trump term would bring increased scrutiny of Latin America’s ties with China, and uncertainty elsewhere.

In the Americas, Democrats’ “Soft Power Matters”
A continuation of Biden’s policies would promote democracy while addressing hotspots like Haiti and Venezuela, two former national security officials write.

Trump’s Vision: “Make the Americas Grow Again”
A second Trump term would focus on reviving hemispheric economic growth through nearshoring and other policies, writes a former adviser.

Linha do tempo: a política dos EUA para a América Latina nos governos Trump e Biden
A AQ traça o histórico das relações dos governos Trump e Biden com países da região, do USMCA às ações de Biden na fronteira.

En las Américas, el “soft power” de Biden es relevante
Un segundo mandato de Biden seguiría promoviendo la democracia y abordaría puntos conflictivos como Haití y Venezuela, escriben dos ex funcionarios de seguridad nacional.

A visão de Trump: “fazer as Américas crescerem novamente”
Um segundo mandato de Trump retomaria crescimento econômico do hemisfério por meio de políticas de nearshoring e outras iniciativas, escreve um ex-assessor.

Nas Américas, o soft power de Biden é importante
Um segundo mandato de Biden continuaria a promover a democracia enquanto aborda pontos críticos como Haiti e Venezuela, escrevem dois ex-funcionários de segurança nacional.

NEW AQ: What the U.S. Election Means for Latin America
In AQ’s new special report, former advisers from the Trump and Biden administrations write on the impact another term for their onetime boss would have on the region.

La visión de Trump: “Hacer que América crezca nuevamente”
Un segundo mandato de Trump se centraría en reactivar el crecimiento económico hemisférico a través de nearshoring y otras políticas, escribe un ex asesor.