Q&A: A Guatemalan Farmer Battles Climate Change
Enrique Samayoa is confronting the effects of climate change with traditional farming practices.

The Lonely Prosecutor Who Tried to Build a “Lava Jato” in the Amazon
In this special report, AQ looks at how lawmen outside the national media spotlight struggle with threats, sabotage – and, often, failure.

Can Latin America Blaze a Trail to Paris?
Next week, the United Nations climate change negotiations will reconvene in Germany, where countries will continue to draft a new global climate agreement to be finalized this December in Paris. This year marks a watershed for Latin America, as the region decides what it will contribute to the agreement. This is not only about what … Read more

Why Sustainability Matters to the Private Sector
As a business, the EPM Group is a beneficiary of the broad municipal program of sustainability in which we participate. A wholly owned utility company of the municipality of Medellín, we have benefited both locally and internationally from the progressive urban politics of Medellín. Until eight years ago, we were entirely local, but in recent … Read more

Cuban Agriculture
For a country that prides itself on its scientific accomplishments, Cuba may, by necessity and desperation, have stumbled upon a modern-day economic niche that will serve it well in the future. That niche? Organic farming, the favorite of socially and health-conscious yuppies throughout the developed world. During what the government called, euphemistically, the período especial … Read more