AQ Podcast: Guyana, Oil and the Resource Curse
An overview of the past, present and future of Guyana’s economy as it deals with the discovery of massive oil reserves.

A Guiana conseguirá evitar a maldição dos recursos naturais?
O petróleo ajudou alguns países e arruinou outros. A AQ foi a Georgetown e relata aqui os esforços do país para encontrar um caminho.

Can Guyana Beat the Resource Curse?
Oil wealth has helped some countries, and ruined others. AQ reports from Georgetown on policymakers’ efforts to find the right path.

¿Podrá Guyana evitar la maldición de los recursos naturales?
La riqueza petrolera ha ayudado a algunos países y ha arruinado a otros. AQ reporta desde Georgetown sobre los esfuerzos de los líderes guyaneses por encontrar el camino correcto.

Colombia Is Missing Its Opportunity on Clean Energy
President Gustavo Petro’s shunning of fossil fuels is not helping improve the country’s environmental status.

Venezuela’s Ad Hoc Economic Recovery Is Not Yet Sustainable
Ruling-party politics will likely determine whether the recovery continues or collapses.

Mexico: When Trade and Energy Policy Collide
AMLO’s push to protect Pemex and CFE is hurting the companies themselves.

Could Democracy Backslide in Colombia?
The country’s oil industry may hold the answer.

REACTION: US Delegation Meets with Maduro’s Venezuela
Russia’s increasing influence in the hemisphere and a spike in oil prices after the invasion of Ukraine have led to calls for negotiations.

Petrobras’ $20-Billion Bright Spot
Despite recent controversies, Brazil’s state-led oil firm has cause for optimism thanks to two recent deals that sharpen its focus on pre-salt oil.

Uruguay Oil Investment Bucks Global Pullback
After decades of standing by as neighbors Brazil and Argentina struck it rich in oil, Uruguay is getting into the action. Oil majors Total, ExxonMobil and Statoil are all making big investments in the tiny South American country, attracted by new projections that Uruguay may hold an “elephant” of an oil field. Problem is, with oil … Read more

The PDVSA Post-Chávez: Will Partnerships with the Private Sector and Chinese Experts Boost Oil Production?
Throughout 2012, and especially after President Hugo Chávez’ death in early March 2013, Venezuela’s national oil firm, Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA), has taken measures beyond anything done in the past decade to raise its lagging production. While the likely impact merits cautious analysis, the drivers of the Bolivarian Republic’s scramble for increased oil revenues … Read more

The Challenges Ahead for Hugo Chávez
After Hugo Chávez convincingly won re-election on Sunday, the margin of victory—over 1.5 million votes, totaling over 10 percentage points—has stunned members of Venezuela’s opposition, leaving them searching for answers. Some pointed to the Consejo Nacional Electoral (National Electoral Council—CNE), which is controlled by chavistas and turned a blind eye to government abuses. Others pointed … Read more
CAFTA-DR Pact:Opening up new frontiers
As President George W. Bush pressures Congress to ratify the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement, it is worth examining the results to date of the Dominican Republic-Central America-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR). That agreement, involving the United States, five Central American countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua) and the Dominican Republic has taken … Read more