No te olvides de Silvia
Una historia personal de un talento extraordinario – y de por qué no es suficiente para tener éxito.

NEW AQ: How to Close Latin America’s Gender Gap by 2030
Five ideas for how Latin America can pursue the best post-COVID recovery plan possible: equality for men and women.

AQ Top 5 líderes de la igualdad de género: Epsy Campbell Barr
La política costarricense que rompe barreras para mujeres afrodescendientes.

AQ Top 5 Champions of Gender Equality: Epsy Campbell Barr
The Costa Rican politician breaking barriers for women of African descent.

Let’s Get Creative: Innovative Ways to Finance Women in Latin America
Building an investor ecosystem for female entrepreneurs can help close persistent funding gaps.

El rol de los bancos en derribar barreras para las mujeres
Mejorar el acceso a crédito para mujeres emprendedoras puede ayudar a que América Latina se recupere de la pandemia.

How Banks Can Break Down Barriers for Women
Improving access to credit for women entrepreneurs can help Latin America recover from the pandemic.

Novo na AQ: Como eliminar a desigualdade de gênero na América Latina até 2030
Cinco ideias para alcançar o mais eficiente plano de recuperação pós-COVID: igualdade entre homens e mulheres.

NUEVO en AQ: Cómo cerrar la brecha de género para el 2030
Cinco ideas sobre cómo América Latina puede adoptar el mejor plan de recuperación post-COVID: igualdad para hombres y mujeres.

Don’t Forget About Silvia
A personal story about genius-level talent – and why it isn’t enough to succeed.

Não podemos esquecer de Sílvia
Um relato pessoal sobre um talento genial — e porque isso não foi suficiente para alcançar o sucesso.

O papel dos bancos na eliminação das barreiras enfrentadas pelas mulheres
Melhorar o acesso de empreendedoras ao crédito pode ajudar a América Latina a se recuperar dos efeitos da pandemia.

What COVID-19 Tells Us About Gender Inequality in Latin America
Increased violence and separate lockdown orders are turning up the volume on the plight of women in the region.

Sexual Harassment in Brazil Starts at Age Nine. Here’s What One Group Is Doing About It.
Nine years old. That’s the average age that, according to Brazilian NGO Think Olga, Brazilian females are first subjected to sexual harassment. Think Olga uncovered the startling number as part of a Twitter campaign called #primeiroassedio (#firstharassment), which encourages women to use social media to recount their first experience of sexual assault or harassment. To … Read more

How Twitter Activism Made Violence Against Women a Campaign Issue in Argentina
Whoever wins Argentina’s presidential runoff on November 22, they will be expected to deal with the country’s staggering rates of gender violence. A femicide occurs in Argentina on average once every 30 hours. But it isn’t just the scope of the problem that has the candidates scurrying to suggest solutions. It is also thanks to the … Read more