WEBCAST: How Brazil’s Local Leaders Are Helping the Amazon
On June 10, Brazilian officials discussed the steps they are taking to promote conservation and sustainable economic development.

CANCELLED: YPA & AQ Gastrodiplomacy Event: Amazon Chef Paulo Anijar
On June 9, join us for a cooking class and conversation with the Brazilian chef to learn about the importance of Amazonian cuisine.

WEBCAST: Protecting the Amazon: A Conversation with President Iván Duque
AS/COA hosted a conversation with the President of Colombia, who discussed his country’s efforts to prevent Amazon deforestation.

WEBCAST: Making Sustainable Development a Reality in the Amazon
AS/COA hosted a discussion about sustainable economic opportunities in the rainforest.

WEBCAST: The Impact of COVID-19 on Illicit Trade Networks
AS/COA hosts a discussion of how transnational organized crime groups and illegal markets are evolving amid the pandemic.

WEBCAST: How Organized Crime Is Evolving in Mexico & Central America
AS/COA and FIU host a discussion on organized crime and its effects on migration.

WEBCAST: The New Face of Multilateralism Under Biden
AS/COA hosts an expert discussion about the revitalized role of multilateral organizations in Latin America.

WEBCAST: Michelle Bachelet, Epsy Campbell Barr y María Eugenia Vidal sobre cómo involucrar a más mujeres en la política
AS/COA y Citi Foundation organizaron una conversación con tres líderes que hicieron historia en la lucha por la representación política en América Latina.

WEBCAST: Michelle Bachelet, Epsy Campbell Barr and María Eugenia Vidal on How to Involve More Women in Politics
AS/COA and Citi Foundation host a conversation with three history-making leaders on the fight for representation in Latin American politics.

WEBCAST: An Opportunity for Anti-Corruption Reform After COVID-19?
AS/COA’s Anti-Corruption Working Group hosts an expert discussion on how to pass meaningful reforms amid a wave of pandemic-related scandals.

WEBCAST: Stopping Violence Against Women: A Conversation with Luiza Trajano
AS/COA and Citi Foundation host a conversation with the chairwoman of Brazilian retailer Magazine Luiza on how companies can contribute to stopping gender violence.

WEBCAST: Improving Women’s Access to Finance for a Post-COVID Recovery
AS/COA and Citi Foundation host a conversation on improving women’s financial inclusion, featuring Colombian Vice President Marta Lucía Ramírez.

WEBCAST: Disaster Recovery: The Future of Multilaterals in Latin America
AS/COA hosts a discussion on how multilaterals can help Latin America emerge from the pandemic.

WEBCAST: Ethics and Business in Times of COVID-19: A Conversation with Thought Leaders
AS/COA hosts a panel discussion with executives from CFA Institute, Copa Holdings, and Orbia on corporate social responsibility.

WEBCAST: Brazil-U.S. Relations in 2020 and Beyond
AS/COA and CEBRI host a candid conversation on the future of Brazil-U.S. relations.