Could China Be a White Knight Again for Latin America?
China helped spare the region from the worst of the 2008-09 financial crisis. But recently, its lending to Latin America has been in decline.

Brazilian 5G: The Next Battleground in the U.S.-China Standoff
The world’s fifth-most populous country is one of the main prizes in a global encounter between Beijing and Washington.

How China Is Courting New Latin American Partners
Geopolitical competition with the U.S. has led Chinese investors and Latin American partners to try to engage in a variety of ways.

In Spite of Bolsonaro, China Quietly Deepens its Influence in Brazil
Xi Jinping’s visit to Brasília caps a highly successful effort of damage control.

Latin America Is Not Benefiting from the U.S.-China Trade War
Despite some short-term benefits, trade deviation to the region shouldn’t be expected to last.

Can VP Mourão Fix Brazil-China Ties?
Brazil’s “adult in the room” wants to undo the president’s damage. But his mission could backfire spectacularly.

Farm to Phone: How Latin America Is Feeding China With E-Commerce
Technology is feeding China’s growing middle class’ taste for Latin flavors.

Bolsonaro Took Aim at China. Then Reality Struck.
Jair Bolsonaro talked tough on China during his campaign. But his tone has changed now that he’s in office. Deep business ties help explain why.

The Reasons for China’s Cooling Interest in Latin America
China’s interest in the region has cooled — and that trend will continue, writes a leading expert on Sino-Latin America ties.

Bolsonaro mirou na China – mas caiu na real
Jair Bolsonaro pegou pesado contra a China durante a campanha. Mas mudou o tom depois que assumiu a presidência. Fortes laços comerciais ajudam a explicar por quê.

Bolsonaro tenía a China en la mira. Pero la realidad lo desafió.
Jair Bolsonaro habló en un tono severo sobre China durante su campaña. Pero esto ha cambiado después de que asumió la presidencia. Los profundos lazos económicos son la explicación.

Las marcas chinas que los latinoamericanos aman
Los bienes de consumo chinos, desde drones a bicicletas, están ganando terreno en América Latina.

Por qué China está reconsiderando sus inversiones en América Latina
El interés de China en la región se ha enfriado y esta tendencia continuará, escribe una destacada experta en relaciones sino-latinoamericanas.

¿Realmente China entiende a América Latina?
Estudiar la cultura e historia de la región ayudaría a los funcionarios a entender su política y su economía, escribe un experto chino.