A New Generation Is Changing Paraguayan Politics
While less dramatic than in the rest of Latin America, there is a transformation in Paraguay led by those born in the late 1970s and 1980s.
While less dramatic than in the rest of Latin America, there is a transformation in Paraguay led by those born in the late 1970s and 1980s.
ASUNCIÓN – When Paraguayans go to the polls on Dec. 17 to choose their parties’ candidates for April’s presidential race, incumbent President Horacio Cartes will not – despite his best efforts – be on the ballot. But Cartes’ legacy, shaped partly by his controversial push for re-election and the protests it sparked, will be. That’s … Read more
Jailing a presidential frontrunner is “not the Brazilian tradition,” for better and for worse, writes AQ’s editor-in-chief.
Correction appended below. Stumping in the central city of Concepción with 13 days to go until the Dec. 17 presidential election run-off, Alejandro Guillier’s rhetoric veered from leftist to provocative when he told the crowd that to pay for free education, his government would take from the wealthy, “so they can help build the country … Read more
A questionable court ruling could bolster suspicions about politicized courts in Argentina.
The opacity of Switzerland’s banking system served the corruption scheme well. Swiss authorities are looking at ways to change that.
As Brazilians fight against corruption and cronyism, one Supreme Court judge insists on doing things the old-fashioned way.
A look at the sugar and ethanol industry shows why trade barriers are not the best response to globalization’s pressures.
A surprise in Sunday’s first-round presidential election suggests Chile isn’t immune to Latin America’s anti-establishment mood.
The government of Michel Temer has dealt Brazilian foreign policy a body blow. Not only has the president traveled abroad less than any of his predecessors since Itamar Franco in the 1990s, but, more importantly, Brazil nowadays contributes remarkably little to dealing with urgent regional challenges. These include the crisis in Venezuela, transnational crime, China’s … Read more
Este artigo foi adaptado da edição impresa de AQ sobre Colômbia | Leer en español | Read in English Todos acompanhamos as machetes. A Petrobras, a estatal de petróleo brasileira, tornou-se, nos últimos anos, uma síntese de disfunção e corrupção, o epicentro do escândalo conhecido como Operação Lava-Jato, que resultou em pelo menos US$ 5 bilhões … Read more
After years of financial uncertainty, the Brazilian oil giant is back from the brink – and beating regional competitors.
Read in English Yo era prácticamente un niño, tenía 22 años, cuando me mudé a Argentina en el año 2000 con la loca idea de convertirme en periodista. Increíblemente, el Buenos Aires Herald no se apresuró a contratar a un texano sin experiencia, y la economía parecía estar un poco complicada. Solo conocía a dos … Read more
This article is adapted from AQ’s Top 5 list of Latin American art activists The first thing Angélica Dass saw upon entering the world was a camera. The daughter of an avid hobby photographer, the click of the shutter was a common theme in her childhood. So, too, were conversations about race. Her father is … Read more
This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on peace and economic opportunity in Colombia Gastón Solnicki’s Kékszakállú defies easy categorization. Billed as the Argentine director’s first foray into narrative cinema, this dreamy sun-kissed poem of a film feels indebted to his work in nonfiction filmmaking. With little regard to a standard plot, Kékszakállú offers … Read more