Latin America’s Murder Rates Reveal Surprising New Trends
Homicide data from the region’s cities show signs of progress in some places and cause for concern in others.
EU’s Elections May Have Unexpected Reverberations in Latin America
The advance of the far right could impact FDI decisions and set the tone for the future of trade with the region.
Saudi Arabia Courts Latin America and the Caribbean
Next week’s Saudi-run summit in Rio is the latest step in the Gulf nation’s increased engagement with the region.
China-Taiwan Tension, the Unseen Risk for Latin America
The region is ill-prepared to confront the potential economic consequences of a conflict.
AQ’s Spring Playlist: Hearing Voices
AQ’s music critic highlights the lingering power of the human voice in this roundup of tracks old and new.
When Latin America Took the “Talking Cure”
An exhibition in London traces the history of psychoanalysis in the region, from dream-interpreting radio shows to Freud’s Peruvian connection.
Susan Segal: Latin America Needs More Infrastructure to Seize Nearshoring Opportunity
Governments must set their infrastructure priorities and define a role for the private sector, writes AS/COA’s CEO.
Cinco claves para mejorar la seguridad de los puertos de América Latina
Los centros marítimos de la región encaran variados desafíos, desde narcóticos hasta ataques cibernéticos. AQ consultó a expertos sobre cómo pueden mejorar sus defensas.
Cinco lições para melhorar a segurança dos portos na América Latina
Os portos da região enfrentam uma série de desafios, de tráfico de drogas a ataques cibernéticos. A AQ perguntou a especialistas como melhorar a segurança.
Por que os EUA e a China estão de olho no porto mais remoto do Chile
Punta Arenas se tornou relevante em meio às mudanças nas rotas marítimas, novas indústrias como o hidrogênio verde e a corrida pela Antártica. Os EUA e a China estão prestando atenção.
Five Keys to Better Port Security in Latin America
The region’s maritime hubs face a range of challenges, from narcotics to cyberattacks. AQ asked experts how they can upgrade their defenses.
NEW AQ: Ports Are Latin America’s New Geopolitical Hotspot
From organized crime in Guayaquil to climate change in Panama and nearshoring in Veracruz, seaports are now at the junction of several pressing issues.
¿Por qué Estados Unidos y China se agolpan sobre un puerto en el sur de Chile?
Punta Arenas se encuentra en la intersección de rutas marítimas cambiantes, nuevas industrias como el hidrógeno verde y la carrera por la Antártida. Estados Unidos y China lo han notado.
Why the U.S. and China Suddenly Care About a Port in Southern Chile
Punta Arenas is at the intersection of changing shipping routes, new industries like green hydrogen, and the race for Antarctica. The U.S. and China have noticed.