Argentina: No Plan B, and No Easy Choices
The next government will have to resolve the debt issue while also worrying about the actual economy.
The next government will have to resolve the debt issue while also worrying about the actual economy.
Social media savvy and outspoken, Argentina’s youngest voters are making Peronism cool again.
If elected, Fernández will have a hard time reviving the late president’s legacy.
Brazil’s 2002 crisis illuminates a way to calm investors, writes a longtime emerging markets economist.
The agreement with the European Union means more than trading with Europe.
Argentina’s presidential candidates are already set. But the upcoming PASO could still have a big impact on the race.
Laura Alonso has been criticized for politicizing anti-corruption work, but she remains undaunted.
A pesar de la política dividida, una coalición bipartidista logró pasar una reforma importante sobre financiamiento de campaña.
Despite polarized politics, a bipartisan coalition managed to pass a significant campaign finance reform.
Is the presidential hopeful distancing himself from his running mate?
A new book traces the struggle for equality on the soccer pitch and beyond.
More than ideology, Fernández’s pragmatism offers clues to how he’d govern.
A new professional league underscores the growing clout of Argentina’s women’s movement.
This article is adapted from AQ’s latest issue on China and Latin America Argentina is living through a moment of intense uncertainty. As its currency loses value, the ongoing race for the presidency is appearing increasingly unpredictable. In the runup to the October election, AQ spoke to Laura Zommer, the executive director and editor-in-chief of fact-checknig site Chequeado (Checked), on how … Read more