Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

AMLO This Week: Trade, Party Money, and Mexico City’s New Airport

Subscribe here to receive AMLO This Week by email Correction appended below.  It was a big week for trade in Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s Mexico. Jesús Seade, López Obrador’s pick to lead NAFTA negotiations, suggested the incoming administration could show flexibility on key sticking points in the ongoing trade talks. Seade told The Wall Street … Read more


Is NAFTA Over Now?

Following Tuesday’s events, it is not an exaggeration to say that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is on life support, and it is unclear whether the patient will even survive into the coming year. Though the advance writing was flashing brightly on the wall, the three lead NAFTA negotiators put paid to the … Read more


Why We Need a NAFTA for the Digital Age

When the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was originally negotiated in 1994, four out of five of the largest U.S. companies built automobiles. Google, Facebook and Amazon hadn’t been born. E-commerce, as such, didn’t exist.  That’s part of why NAFTA renegotiations are more than just a political football: they are imperative for the region … Read more


If NAFTA Ends, Ford’s Move to China Will Be Just the Start

Ford announced this week that instead of building its new Focus – the best-selling car in the world – in a new $1.6 billion dollar Mexico-based plant, it will ship cars for North American customers from China. Ford has promised that its decision won’t reduce its workforce. Yet even if that is true, American workers … Read more


The True Relevance of NAFTA

This article is adapted from AQ’s special issue on the U.S.-Mexico relationship. To receive AQ at home, subscribe here. When the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was negotiated in the early 1990s, its founders took care to insert an exit clause — as Article 2205. It stipulates that a party might withdraw with six months’ notice and that the agreement would remain in … Read more


Visité dos ciudades industriales en EE.UU. y México para estudiar los efectos del TLCAN. Esto fue lo que encontré.

Read in English Considerada desde hace tiempo como el epicentro del declive de la industria manufacturera estadounidense, Flint, Michigan, parece haber entrado en una sorprendente nueva fase: la recuperación. Una compañía farmacéutica en expansión y nuevas inversiones en universidades y hospitales están creando nuevos empleos. Los restaurantes y los bares están de nuevo iluminando el … Read more

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