How Technology Can Help Protect Domestic Workers’ Rights
An interview with the co-founder of Symplifica, an app that helps domestic workers organize.
An interview with the co-founder of Symplifica, an app that helps domestic workers organize.
A new poll sheds light on the needs of a growing refugee community.
Mexican entrepreneurs grapple with obstacles to expansion. Here’s one reason why many choose to stay small.
La industria está creciendo a grandes pasos, pero el impacto real es difícil de medir.
The industry is growing by leaps and bounds, but a real impact is hard to measure.
This article is adapted from AQ’s latest issue on China and Latin America Argentina is living through a moment of intense uncertainty. As its currency loses value, the ongoing race for the presidency is appearing increasingly unpredictable. In the runup to the October election, AQ spoke to Laura Zommer, the executive director and editor-in-chief of fact-checknig site Chequeado (Checked), on how … Read more
A strategy that would reduce the incentives for migration to the United States.
There’s no shortage of bold proposals for urban infrastructure in Latin America. How can more of them become reality?
Ricardo Mora’s gospel of collaboration and innovation is helping rewrite Juárez’s story.
¿Cómo mejorar las ciudades? Un grupo variado e inspirador de latinoamericanos demuestra por qué la colaboración y buena planificación son tan importantes como el dinero (¡realmente!).
Con su mensaje de colaboración, este empresario está cambiando la narrativa de Juárez.
Este artículo fue adaptado de la edición impresa de AQ | Ler em português | Read in English El conductor del Uber titubeó antes de dejar salir a sus dos jóvenes pasajeras al llegar al antiguo taller metalúrgico. “Se asustó”, recordó Priscila Lougue, decoradora de 33 años. “¿Dos mujeres entrando a un viejo almacén y en una zona tan fea? Nos … Read more
A young man from Cali, Colombia, goes from gang member to community leader and peacemaker.
The veteran entrepreneur’s gospel of collaboration and innovation is helping rewrite Juárez’s story.
How to prepare Latin America’s workforce for a technological revolution.