Venezuela’s Long Game: What Maduro Stands to Gain on Dec. 10
The victory of Nicolás Maduro’s governing coalition in provincial elections on Oct. 15 marked a turning point for Venezuela’s opposition. The government proved it had a winning formula to keep its opponents’ electoral prospects in check – through trickery, repression and coercion – despite Maduro’s limited support among the population. The MUD opposition coalition, by … Read more

Chileans Are Frustrated With Politics, Too
A surprise in Sunday’s first-round presidential election suggests Chile isn’t immune to Latin America’s anti-establishment mood.

Mexico 2018: It’s Not the Economy, Stupid
Emerging media consensus is that Mexico’s Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) will likely name Treasury Secretary José Antonio Meade as its candidate for president in 2018. Such a move would serve the unpopular ruling party on two fronts: it would muffle inherent opposition to the PRI as an institution (Meade is not a party member), and … Read more

Venezuela’s Default: What Is Maduro Thinking?
The Venezuela debt saga continues to confound investors, with many wondering what exactly the government is hoping to accomplish with its current strategy. The possible explanations range from a search for a new scapegoat for the ongoing economic crisis (with the initials DJT), to a savvy maneuver to reduce the country’s liabilities. Trying to read … Read more

Camilo Enciso: To Ensure Peace Lasts, Put the Brakes on Corruption
For our latest print issue on Colombia, we asked experts, executives, politicians and everyday people about the biggest issue facing Colombia’s next president. See all of their answers here. The top priorities of Colombia’s next president should be enhancing preventive anticorruption measures, fostering integrity and openness at all levels in government and society, and actively cooperating with … Read more

Fernando Carrillo: Leaders Must Address Voter Skepticism
For our latest print issue on Colombia, we asked experts, executives, politicians and everyday people about the biggest issue facing Colombia’s next president. See all of their answers here. | Leer en español There are three great challenges facing Colombia’s next government: implementing peace, strengthening democracy and eliminating corruption. Failing to fulfill the peace agreements with the FARC … Read more

The Trouble Facing Colombia’s Moderates
Without conflict to bring them together, Colombians are confronting their differences, and engaging in the messy business of democracy.

María Victoria Llorente: Los cinco desafíos del próximo presidente de Colombia
Para nuestra edición impresa de AQ sobre Colombia en el post-conflicto, preguntamos a varios colombianos, incluso a expertos, ejecutivos, y políticos, sobre el mayor problema que enfrenta el próximo presidente de Colombia. Ver todas las respuestas aquí. | Read in English Para que sigamos en el sendero de la construcción de paz en Colombia, debe ser prioridad para el próximo Presidente … Read more

Who’s Afraid of Gustavo Petro?
From guerrilla to presidential candidate, Gustavo Petro’s rise encapsulates the divisions, fears and hopes permeating Colombian politics today.

Making Sense of Colombia’s Crowded Presidential Field
This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on peace and economic opportunity in Colombia. The field of candidates for Colombia’s 2018 presidential election includes some of the country’s most accomplished politicians – as well as some more uncertain options. Here, AQ looks at the leading contenders, and why each has a chance at the presidency. GERMÁN … Read more

Cynthia Arnson: To Address Inequality, Start With Strong Institutions
For our latest print issue on Colombia, we asked experts, executives, politicians and everyday people about the biggest issue facing Colombia’s next president. See all of their answers here. Corruption, unemployment and the quality of health care have topped the lists of concerns for Colombians over the past six months with remarkable consistency, according to … Read more

Las preocupaciones de los colombianos de centro
Este artículo está adaptado de la edición impresa de AQ sobre Colombia en el post-conflicto | Read in English Los colombianos irán a las urnas en mayo próximo para elegir a un nuevo presidente. Este hecho debería inaugurar un período de paz y prosperidad para mi país, pues serán las primeras elecciones que se producen después de la … Read more

Four Takeaways From Argentina’s Game-Changing Mid-Term Elections
Investors wondering whether President Mauricio Macri’s tough austerity reforms had popular support heard a resounding “yes” on Sunday, when voters swept his center-right coalition to victory in Argentina’s five largest voting districts in a crucial mid-term election. While Macri’s success was expected, no party has managed this feat in mid-term elections since 1985. Here … Read more

Venezuela: The Brutal Truth About Maduro’s Election Victory
By any measure, Sunday’s gubernatorial elections in Venezuela did not go well for the opposition. The regime of President Nicolás Maduro took 17 of a possible 23 seats, with, as of this writing, another still up for grabs. Marred by predictable irregularities and government manipulation, the MUD opposition coalition’s decision to participate failed to pay … Read more

Why Argentina’s Kirchner Is Poised for a Comeback – Despite Corruption Charges
If Cristina Fernández de Kirchner wins a senate seat in Sunday’s mid-term elections, as she is poised to do, her comeback would be significant: The former president is under investigation in at least eight separate corruption cases. Part of the explanation for why these investigations have not sunk Fernández’s senate bid may lie with Argentina’s … Read more