What Just Happened in Peru? Understanding Vizcarra’s Sudden Impeachment
Expect more populism ahead in one of the world’s hardest-hit countries by COVID-19.

The Politics of Chile’s New Constitution
The country’s current political leaders are in no position to take charge of the process. Here’s why that’s a problem.

How Lava Jato Died – And What Comes Next
The politician who most benefited from Brazil’s anti-corruption probe has put the final nail in its coffin.

Mexican Women Are Furious. AMLO Should Start Listening.
Fed up with violence, Mexico’s feminist movement has become a key source of opposition to the president.

What Venezuela’s Henrique Capriles Really Wants
With Juan Guaidó under pressure, an opposition stalwart plays the long game.

Why a Trump Defeat Would Be a Disaster for Bolsonaro
A Biden victory would rob the Brazilian president of key political advantages that go far beyond an amicable relationship with President Trump.

Vizcarra May Survive. But Peru’s Politics Look Fragile.
COVID-19 and economic crisis haven’t stopped a dubious push for impeachment.

The 87-Year-Old Critic Who Wants to Lead AMLO’s Party
Porfirio Muñoz Ledo helped López Obrador to the national stage. Now he wants to push the president’s party in a different direction.

Coming Next to Latin America: Even More Political Fragmentation
Expect even more outsiders in years ahead.

Rio’s Beaches Are Proof: Bolsonaro Is Winning the Narrative on COVID-19
Life in Brazil returns to normal, even if it shouldn’t.

This Soccer Star Could Be Peru’s Next President
George Forsyth, a popular mayor and anti-crime crusader, is leading early presidential polls.

Latin American Congresses Could Become Irrelevant – Unless They Adapt
The pandemic is exposing how legislative powers in the region are outdated and poorly prepared for the 21st century.

Needed: Latin Leadership for a New Inter-American System
The Americas are facing a once-in-a-century challenge. U.S. leadership of the IDB would undermine efforts to confront it.

Welcome to a New Age of Big(ger) Government in Latin America
The region’s public sector will grow after the pandemic – and the temptation to undo market-friendly policies will be hard to resist.

In Peru, Congress’ Move Against Immunity Isn’t What It Seems
A vote to strip privilege from lawmakers could actually further shield them from corruption charges.