Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas
Second Mother

Film Review: The Second Mother

Val trails nervously behind as her long-estranged daughter, Jéssica, enters the guest room of Carlos and Bárbara, an upper-class São Paulo couple. “So this is where I’ll be staying?” asks Jéssica, as she bounces on the “good mattress.” Jéssica has just arrived from the northeast and has talked her way into getting a tour of … Read more


Copa América Comes to the U.S.

U.S. soccer fans will make history this summer. In a nod to the sport’s growing popularity among yanquis, Copa América is marking its centennial year by holding the region’s most important soccer tournament in the U.S. for the first time. The Copa América Centenario will be staged in 10 U.S. cities from June 3 to … Read more


10 Things to Do: Medellín

Colombia’s second-largest city, Medellín, has experienced a major transformation in the last 20 years. Once notorious for crime and violence, the “City of Eternal Spring” is now winning acclaim as the poster child for innovation in Latin America, drawing tourists, investors and entrepreneurs from around the world, thanks to significant government investment in transportation and … Read more

Top 5 Chefs

AQ Top 5: Young Chefs in Latin America

Leer en español Latin America’s foodie scene really began to take off in the 2000s, led by celebrity chefs such as Peru’s Gastón Acurio and Brazil’s Alex Atala who combined exotic local ingredients with top-shelf craftsmanship, often honed abroad. Thanks to their work, Latin Americans and gringos alike have become acquainted with ingredients such as … Read more


How Drug Bosses Learned from Big Business

With El Chapo behind bars and America’s legal-weed revolution underway, Tom Wainwright’s Narconomics: How to Run a Drug Cartel could not have come at a more pertinent time. Delving into “what big business taught the drug lords,” The Economist’s former Mexico City correspondent offers some needed context to the regionwide debate over drug policy. Full … Read more

AQ Top 5

AQ Top 5 de Chefs Jóvenes

Read in English En América Latina, una nueva generación de virtuosos culinarios ha adoptado ingredientes locales ­– y precios accesibles. En este número, Americas Quarterly presenta a los más sobresalientes entre ellos.

Xavier Pacheco

AQ Top 5 de Chefs Jóvenes: Xavier Pacheco

Read in English Cuando el chef Xavier Pacheco regresó de Barcelona a su natal Puerto Rico sabía que abrir un restaurante que sirviera platillos con ingredientes frescos de la localidad sería una lucha cuesta arriba. Puerto Rico, antes poseedor de un próspero sector agrícola, ahora importa el 85 por ciento de sus alimentos, pero Pacheco, … Read more

Israel Laura

AQ Top 5 de Chefs Jóvenes: Israel Laura

Read in English A los 22 años Israel Laura estaba trabajando en una fábrica de cables eléctricos situada en las afueras de Barcelona, ciudad a la que había emigrado desde Perú siendo adolescente. Ante la poco inspiradora perspectiva de una vida de trabajo en una fábrica, y cansado de saltar de un empleo a otro, … Read more

Silvana Villegas

AQ Top 5 de Chefs Jóvenes: Silvana Villegas

Read in English Usted no encontrará gran cosa en el menú de Masa que no sea completa y apasionadamente tradicional. Precisamente esa es la intención de Silvana Villegas. La chef de 31 años y copropietaria de una de las panaderías y restaurantes más populares de Bogotá se propuso como misión llevar el miche levain, el … Read more

Rodrigo Oliveira

AQ Top 5 de Chefs Jóvenes: Rodrigo Oliveira

Read in English Por ridículo que pueda parecer, la élite acaudalada de São Paulo tradicionalmente rehuía a los restaurantes “brasileños”. Para esta, una comida de lujo tenía que ser francesa, portuguesa, japonesa o cualquier otra, mientras fuera extranjera –preferencia que era un reflejo de la historia de la ciudad como punto importante de llegada de migrantes, … Read more


Book Review: El Mall

The structures that inhabit our daily lives — our homes, businesses, churches — are often markers of the invisible forces that shape and crystallize them. But it takes a lucid and thoughtful eye to see the tangible as something also drenched in the revealing, subtle nuances of social and cultural life. Arlene Dávila, the author of El Mall: The … Read more


Book Review: Albina and the Dog-Men

Like Alejandro Jodorowsky himself, Albina and the Dog-Men seems to be all imaginable things at once: a fable and a folktale, a Western, a tragedy, a lewd comedy. A love story. The short novel’s titular character is an albino giant with no memory of her past. By moonlight, Albina unwittingly transforms the men of a … Read more


AQ Top 5 Young Chefs: Xavier Pacheco

Leer en español See the rest of the AQ Top 5 When Chef Xavier Pacheco returned to his native Puerto Rico from Barcelona, he knew opening a restaurant that served dishes with fresh, local ingredients, would be an uphill struggle. Puerto Rico, once home to a thriving agricultural sector, now imports 85 percent of its … Read more

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