AMLO’s Risky Strategy: Put Mexico’s Military Everywhere
Long-term deployment and an ever-expanding mandate may harm the reputation of Mexico’s most trusted institution.

Will Russian Influence in Latin America Grow in 2022?
Russia’s aggressive diplomacy has paid off, and a new “Pink Tide” may make the region even more receptive.

Wildcard: The 76-Year-Old Newcomer Shaking Up Colombia’s Election
Win or lose, Rodolfo Hernández’s rise reflects the deep discontent in Colombian politics.

Lula’s “Team of Rivals” Strategy Could Reduce Polarization
The former president’s choice of a conservative running mate carries numerous benefits – but also conspicuous risks.

Latin America Risks Overreacting to Commodities Shock
The region faces particular risk in its economic policy responses to the fallout from the war in Ukraine.

Winners and Losers in Latin America’s Commodities Market
Markets are weighing the short- and long-term consequences of the war in Ukraine.

Problems Mount for Ecuador’s Lasso
A shocking rise in crime accompanies institutional division and a stalled government agenda, even as the economy recovers.

Enter the Millennials: Latin American Politics Will Never Be the Same
The new generation must escape the pull of the established left and right – and resist the urge to dominate.

Could Thelma Cabrera Become Guatemala’s Evo Morales?
A Maya Mam woman is seeking to organize the country’s indigenous people into a mass political force.

REACTION: US Delegation Meets with Maduro’s Venezuela
Russia’s increasing influence in the hemisphere and a spike in oil prices after the invasion of Ukraine have led to calls for negotiations.

A Less Obvious Key to Latin America’s Recovery: the US Treasury
President Biden should make better use of tools to help the region recover, including the IDB.

Devastation at Amazon Coffee Co-op Profiled by AQ
Brazilian police are investigating after a plane sprayed herbicide in the area.

The Dangerous Hubris of Chile’s Constitutional Convention
A new constitution is taking shape, but familiar mistakes threaten decades of progress.

In Guatemala, A Fresh Crackdown on Prosecutors
Ahead of an election year, attacks on the rule of law continue to undermine the country’s democracy.

A Bold Plan to Finance Latin America’s Energy Transition
The region’s private sector needs to step up, but governments can make it easier.