The Next Front in Mexico’s Battle Over Institutions
AMLO’s Supreme Court appointment reopens doubts about the judiciary power’s impartiality and the future of independent checks and balances.

The Intense Year Ahead for Guatemala’s New President
Bernardo Arévalo faces severe obstacles to reform after a chaotic inauguration, but his reputation as a quiet conciliator matches the moment.

To Save Guatemala’s Democracy, the U.S. Needs Private Sector Friends
The U.S. and the EU can use economic incentives to convince the nation’s elite to support Bernardo Arévalo.

Javier Milei Races the Clock
At the one-month mark, Argentina’s president faces numerous challenges ahead.

Ecuador’s Crisis: A Long Road Ahead
An early consensus has empowered President Noboa, but the consequences of a long conflict are unpredictable.

Guatemala Nears a Pivotal Moment on Taiwan
The next administration will face strong incentives from China to ditch Taiwan. The U.S. has an opportunity to step in.

Latin America’s Election Super-Cycle Will Turn on One Key Factor
More than concerns about democracy, voters’ fundamental needs will shape the outcome of the region’s big election year.

El superciclo electoral de América Latina dependerá de un factor clave
Las necesidades fundamentales de los votantes, más que preocupaciones sobre la democracia, determinarán los resultados del gran año electoral de la región.

Latin America in 2024: Five Trends to Watch
Despite mediocre growth, political risk is declining and cautious optimism is increasingly warranted.

Meet the Candidates: Mexico
Mexico will hold the largest election in its history on June 2.

Meet the Candidates: Venezuela
Even with a unified candidate to oppose Maduro, Venezuela’s presidential election is still an open question.

Meet the Candidates: Dominican Republic
Incumbent Luis Abinader leads in the polls ahead of the Dominican Republic’s 2024 elections on May 19.

Meet the Candidates: Uruguay
The second round of Uruguay’s presidential election will take place on November 24.

Meet the Candidates: Panama
Panama’s 2024 elections, shaped by last year’s protests, will take place on May 5.

Latin America’s Fertility Decline is Accelerating. No One’s Certain Why.
The unexpected trend, if it continues, may affect politics and budgets for years to come.