Brandee McHale

McHale is the Head of Community Investing & Development at Citi and the president of the Citi Foundation. Brandee leads Citi’s efforts to drive economic opportunity and invest in the equitable and inclusive growth of communities through impact investing, community-based financial access and education programs, fulfillment of U.S. Community Reinvestment Act regulatory obligations, employee volunteerism, and the philanthropy of the Citi Foundation.
With more than three decades of experience in financial services and philanthropy, Brandee has dedicated her career to developing forward-thinking initiatives that connect low-income communities and communities of color to jobs, housing and a more economically secure future.
- Contribuindo para a segurança alimentar
- Haciendo la diferencia en inseguridad alimentaria
- Moving the Needle on Food Insecurity
- How Latin American Cities Can Turn Big Ideas into Reality
- Cómo las ciudades en América Latina pueden convertir grandes ideas en realidad
- El sueño latinoamericano actual: un trabajo decente
- Today’s Latin American Dream: A Decent Job