Polls show Chile wants to replace its dictatorship-era constitution. But is a new constitution what’s best for Chile? Patricio Navia, an AQ columnist and political scientist at NYU, says it’s not. In the inaugural episode of the Americas Quarterly Podcast, Navia joins Editor-in-chief Brian Winter to discuss why he feels that the process could backfire.
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Patricio Navia is a contributing columnist for Americas Quarterly, professor of liberal studies at NYU and professor of political science at Diego Portales University in Chile
Brian Winter is the editor in chief of Americas Quarterly
Background reading:
- Chile Is About to Make a Huge Mistake by Patricio Navia
- Chile’s Riots: Frustration at the Gate of the Promised Land by Patricio Navia
- Trapped: What If Chile Ends Up Like Argentina? by Eduardo Levy Yeyati