Patricio Navia

Patricio Navia is a professor of liberal studies at NYU and a professor of political science at Diego Portales University in Chile. He also is a member of AQ‘s editorial board.
- The Summit of the Unpopular and the Lame Ducks
- Why Chile Should Be Proud of Piñera’s Boring Inauguration
- Pope’s Chile Trip Shows Declining Church Influence – and Does Little to Revert It
- Chile Votes for (Steady) Change
- Why Are Latin America’s Right-Wing Governments Struggling?
- A Radical Change in Chile? Don’t Bet On It
- It’s Showtime for President Lenín Moreno in Ecuador
- Why Piñera Is the Frontrunner to Return as Chile’s President
- Here’s One Reason Trump Has Been Good for Democracy
- Chile’s Municipal Elections: Everyone Loses, but the Ruling Coalition Loses More
- Lessons for Regionwide Engagement from Obama’s Latin America Trip
- [i]Which Way Latin America? Hemispheric Politics Meets Globalization[/i] edited by Andrew F. Cooper and Jorge Heine
- Limit the Power of Presidents, Not their Term in Office