Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Stuart Yasgur

Stuart Yasgur is a managing director and head of the Social Investment Entrepreneurs program at Ashoka.


Ron Cordes

Ron Cordes serves on board of directors at ImpactAssets.


Michael Edwards

Michael Edwards is a distinguished senior fellow at Demos and author of Small Change: Why Business Won’t Save the World.


Gabriel Sánchez Zinny

Gabriel Sánchez Zinny is president of Kuepa.com, a blended learning initiative in Latin America.


Katie Grace

Katie Grace is program and research coordinator at the Initiative for Responsible Investment (IRI) at the Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations at Harvard University.


Julia Muir

Julia Muir is research analyst at PIIE.


Theodore Moran

 Theodore Moran is nonresident senior fellow at PIIE and holds the Marcus Wallenberg Chair at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service.


Jed Emerson

Jed Emerson is executive vice-president of ImpactAssets.


Antony Bugg-Levine

Antony Bugg-Levine is CEO of the Nonprofit Finance Fund. He was previously a managing director at the Rockefeller Foundation.


Minxin Pei

Minxin Pei is Tom and Margot Pritzker ’72 Professor of Government and director of the Keck Center for International and Strategic Studies at Claremont-McKenna College.


Luis Fleischman

Luis Fleischman is senior advisor for the Menges Hemispheric Project at the Center for Security Policy and co-editor of The Americas Report.


Don Hanna

Don Hanna is managing director of Global Liquid Markets Research at Fortress Investment Group, LLC.


Congressman Connie Mack

Congressman Connie Mack is chairman of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Western Hemisphere Subcommittee.

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