Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Manuel Avendaño

Manuel Avendaño is a guest blogger for AQ online. He is a Venezuelan political consultant and member of the think tank Diploos. His Twitter account is @manuelavendano


Elías Amor

Elías Amor is a Cuban economist and a guest blogger for Americas Quarterly.


Mauricio Claver-Carone

Claver-Carone is a Miami-based private-equity investor focused on energy and infrastructure in the Americas. He was a U.S. Treasury and National Security Council senior official in the Trump administration and president of the Inter-American Development Bank from 2020-22. 


Socorro Ramírez

Socorro Ramírez is a professor in the Institute of Political Studies and International Relations (IEPRI) at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.


Tim Rogers

Tim Rogers is editor of The Nicaragua Dispatch. He has been reporting from Central America for more than a decade, contributing to publications such as TIME, BBC, The Miami Herald, The Christian Science Monitor, and Global Post.


José Antonio Caballero

José Antonio Caballero is a professor in the Division of Legal Studies at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) in Mexico City.


Quentin Delpech

Quentin Delpech is a political science researcher at the Sorbonne University.


Howard J. Wiarda

Howard J. Wiarda is the Dean Rusk Professor of International Relations and Head, Department of International Affairs, at the University of Georgia.


Seth Colby

Seth Colby is a visiting scholar at the Centro Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais.


Wendy Cukier

Wendy Cukier is president of the Canadian Coalition for Gun Control and vice president of research and innovation at Ryerson University in Toronto.


Roberta Jacobson

Roberta Jacobson was Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs from 2012 to 2016 and US Ambassador to Mexico from 2016 to 2018.


Jeffrey J. Schott

Jeffrey J. Schott is a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.


Daniel Kurtz-Phelan

Daniel Kurtz-Phelan was a member of the Department of State’s policy planning staff (2009-2012), and is currently senior visiting fellow at the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi, India, and senior advisor at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC.


Shefa Siegel

Shefa Siegel has written about resources and religion in Ha’aretz, Ethics & International Affairs, Sojourners, and Environment 360, has worked for the Earth Institute and United Nations, and holds a Ph.D. in resource policy from the University of British Columbia.


Oya Celasun

Oya Celasun is deputy division chief of the Southern II Division of the IMF’s Western Hemisphere Department.

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