Aaron Oliker
Aaron Oliker is cofounder and chief innovation officer at BioDigital, Inc. and adjunct faculty member at the School of Visual Arts in New York City.
Jaime Hamre
Jaime Hamre is a freelance journalist based in Panama City, Panama and a former fellow at the Center for Democracy in the Americas.
Nicolas Albertoni
Nicolas Albertoni is an M.A. candidate at Georgetown University and professor at the Universidad Católica del Uruguay. He has authored two books: “Instrucciones para inventar la rueda. Qué tienen los países que progresan y cómo aplicarlo a Uruguay?” (Taurus, 2014) and “Entre el Barrio y el Mundo ¿Mercosur o el Modelo Chileno?” (Taurus, 2011).
Perla López
Perla López is a DREAMer and a Youth Power Project member of Make the Road New York.
Brendan O’Boyle
Brendan O’Boyle is a former senior editor at Americas Quarterly.
Rhodri Davies
Rhodri Davies is a freelance journalist based in London. He has reported on politics, policy and social issues from more than a dozen countries. He has worked out of Latin America and the Middle East for several years, producing written and visual content for print, online and broadcast media. His Twitter handle is @rrdvs.
Jennifer Arias
Jennifer Arias is a contributing blogger to AQ Online. She is a Policy intern and currently studying at Columbia School of International and Public Affairs. Her Twitter account is @JennyAriasG.
Louisa Reynolds
Louisa Reynolds is an independent journalist based in Guatemala. Her work has been published in a wide range of local and international publications. She is the 2014-2015 International Women’s Media Foundation Elizabeth Neuffer Fellow. Follow her on Twitter: @ReynoldsLouisa.
Lawrence Gutman
Lawrence Gutman has conducted research on governance and foreign investment in Cuba as a Fulbright Hays fellow and Tinker Foundation fellow. He holds an M.A. In Latin American history from the University of Texas at Austin, and is based in New York.
María Fernanda Pérez Arguello
María Fernanda Pérez Arguello, originally from Costa Rica, is an intern at the Americas Society/Council of the Americas and a graduate student at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service.
Paulina Suárez-Hesketh
Paulina Suárez-Hesketh is a doctoral candidate in cinema studies at New York University.
Humberto Beck
Humberto Beck is a doctoral candidate in history at Princeton University and editor of Horizontal.mx.
Leopoldo Martínez Nucete
Leopoldo Martínez Nucete is the CEO of the Center for Democracy and Development in the Americas and the Editor at @IQLatino.
Harold Trinkunas
Harold Trinkunas is the Charles W. Robinson Chair and senior fellow and director of the Latin American Initiative at the Brookings Institute.