Douglas Rodrigues
Dr. Douglas Rodrigues specializes in the health care of indigenous populations at the Federal University of São Paulo’s Paulista School of Medecine.
Stephen Corry
Stephen Corry is director of Survival International, the global movement for tribal peoples’ rights, and author of the book, Tribal Peoples for Tomorrow’s World.
Mark J. Plotkin
Mark J. Plotkin, Ph.D. is president and cofounder of the Amazon Conservation Team, which works with indigenous tribes to manage and protect ancestral rain forests. As experienced ethnobotanist, he is the author of several books, including Tales of a Shaman’s Apprentice. Follow him on Twitter @DocMarkPlotkin.
Elaíze Farias
Elaíze Farias is a Brazilian journalist from Amazonas state and cofounder of the Agência Amazônia Real.
Barbara Fraser
Barbara Fraser is a freelance journalist based in Lima, Peru.
Luisa Leme
Luisa Leme is a digital media journalist and filmmaker at AS/COA
Beto Veríssimo
Beto Veríssimo is a senior researcher and co-founder of the Amazon Institute of People and Environment (Imazon), a thinkand-do tank NGO based in the Brazilian Amazon. He holds a master’s degree in ecology from Pennsylvania State University (USA) and a graduate degree in agriculture engineering from the Federal Rural University of the Brazilian Amazon.
Izabella Teixeira
Izabella Teixeira has served as Brazil’s minister of the environment since 2010. A biologist and Ph.D in environmental planning, minister Teixeira is a career employee of the Brazilian institute for Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), which she joined in 1984 as an environmental analyst. Throughout her nearly three decades of service, she has held … Read more
Meg Symington
Symington is senior director for the Amazon on the World Wildlife Fund-U.S. Forest Team. She began her career in conservation studying tropical ecology and primate behavior in the Amazon.
Juliana Barbassa
Juliana Barbassa was the former managing editor for Americas Quarterly. An award-winning independent journalist, Barbassa is the author of Dancing with the Devil in the City of God: Rio de Janeiro on the Brink, based on her years as Rio de Janeiro correspondent for the Associated Press.
Pedro R. Pierluisi
Congressman Pedro R. Pierluisi is Puerto Rico’s nonvoting delegate in the U.S. House of Representatives and a candidate for governor of Puerto Rico.
Andrew H. Cummins
Andrew H. Cummins is the founder of Explorador Capital Management, LLC, an investment firm focused exclusively on Latin America.
Camila Bustos
Camila Bustos is a researcher at Brown University’s Climate and Development Lab and lead researcher at the think tank Nivela.
Gillian Steward
Ms. Steward is a Calgary-based journalist. She currently writes a regular column for the Toronto Star, teaches journalism at Mount Royal University, and is a Ph.D. candidate in Communication Studies at University of Calgary. She was the managing editor at the Calgary Herald from 1987 to 1990, and was the publisher/editor of Alberta Views Magazine 2006/2007. As a … Read more
Robert Muggah
Muggah is a co-founder and research director of the Igarapé Institute, a leading think tank in Brazil. He is also co-founder of the SecDev Group and SecDev Foundation, digital security and risk analysis groups with global reach.