Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Nelson Almanzar

Nelson Almanzar is co-founder of Talos Digital, Inc., a software company based in New York, Austin and Medellín. Follow him @NelsonNYC.


Franziska Heuschkel

Franziska Heuschkel is a freelance writer based in Brooklyn, New York.


Victor Umaña

Victor Umaña is director of the Latin American Center for Competitiveness and Sustainability at INCAE Business School.


Robert Kozak

Robert Kozak is a freelance journalist based in Lima, where he was bureau chief for Dow Jones Newswires and The Wall Street Journal for almost 17 years. He previously worked as a correspondent for Reuters in Mexico City, Ottawa and Toronto.


Maria del Carmen Landa

Maria del Carmen Landa is a public policy programs associate for Americas Society/Council of the Americas. Follow her on Twitter @mclanda.


Vanessa Rosales

Vanessa Rosales is a faashion and style writer and editorial consultant from Cartagena, Colombia.


Elizabeth Gonzalez

Elizabeth Gonzalez is a web and media associate at AS/COA. She covers the Caribbean and outhern Cone for AS/COA Online. Follow her on Twitter @El_iG.


Carlos Aguilar

Carlos Aguilar is a Mexico City-born freelance film journalist, critic and filmmaker. In 2014, he was one of six young film critics to be chosen for the first Roger Ebert Fellowship, organized by the Sundance Institute and Indiewire. He is based in Los Angeles.


Jonathan Levinson

Jonathan Levinson is a multimedia journalist based in Mexico City. A U.S. army veteran, he has a master’s in international affairs from Columbia Unviersity.


Brie Iatarola

Brie Iatarola holds a master’s degree in Latin American Studies from the University of California, San Diego, where she is also a researcher and PhD candidate in environmental communication. Her master’s thesis addressed the economic and cultural effects of the global surf industry in postwar El Salvador. Her current research examines the complexitiese of surf … Read more


Salvador Paiz

Salvador Paiz is a research fellow at Fordham University and the vice president of the Foundation for the Development of Guatemala.


Carolina Ávalos

Carolina Ávalos is an economist and international social policy adviser, and former president of the Social Investment Fund in El Salvador. A Vanderbilt University and KU Leuven graduate, she was a 2015-2016 visiting scholar at the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies.


Luís Vieira

Luís Vieira is a freelance reporter based in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Adam Talbot

Adam Talbot is a doctoral researcher at the University of Brighton whose research focuses on community resistance to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

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