Juan S. Gonzalez
Juan S. Gonzalez is senior director for the Western Hemisphere at the National Security Council
Juan Garzon
Juan Garzon is a researcher at Igarapé Institute
Hanaa’ Tameez
Hanaa’ Tameez is a multimedia journalist in New York.
Fabrício Chagas Bastos
Fabrício Chagas Bastos is a research associate with the Centre for Latin American Studies at University of Cambridge.
Jamil Chade
Jamil Chade is a Brazilian journalist and the Europe correspondent for O Estado de São Paulo.
Sergio Guarín
Sergio Guarín is the Post-Conflict Program director for Fundación Ideas para la Paz.
Mario Huapaya
Mario Huapaya is a lawyer with expertise on dialogue between public and private sector. He joined the Inter-American Development Bank in 2017 and is currently a consultant at the Innovations for Citizen Services Division. He has been working in the Peruvian public sector for the past ten years.
Juan Cruz Vieyra
Juan Cruz Vieyra is a political scientist with expertise on transparency and anticorruption. He joined the Inter-American Development Bank in 2006 and is currently leading the initiatives InvestmentMap and Transparency in the Extractive Industries.
Macario Schettino
Macario Schettino is a professor at the School of Government at Mexico’s Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education. Follow him on Twitter @macariomx.
Lisa Blackmore
Lisa Blackmore is a lecturer in art history and interdisciplinary studies at the University of Essex, UK. She is author of Spectacular Modernity: Dictatorship, Space and Visuality in Venezuela 1948-1958 (2017) and co-editor of a forthcoming on volume on culture and politics in contemporary Venezuela. She lived in Venezuela from 2005-2013, where she taught at … Read more
Celeste Olalquiaga
Celeste Olalquiaga is a cultural historian. She has published Megalopolis: Contemporary Cultural Sensibilities (1992) and The Artificial Kingdom: A Treasury of the Kitsch Experience (1998), which have been translated to several languages, and is the recipient of Guggenheim and Rockefeller awards. In 2013, Celeste founded PROYECTO HELICOIDE to make visible the extraordinary modern ruin of … Read more
Elisangela Mendonça
Elisangela Mendonça is a Brazilian journalist.
María Victoria Llorente
María Victoria Llorente is the executive director at Fundación Ideas para la Paz.
Camilo Enciso
Camilo Enciso is a former transparency secretary of Colombia and current director of the International Institute on Anti-corruption Studies in Bogotá.
Fernando Carrillo
Fernando Carrillo is the Inspector General of Colombia.