Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Jim Krane

Krane is a Fellow at the Center for Energy Studies at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy


María Victoria Murillo

María Victoria Murillo is Professor of Political Science and International Affairs and Director of the Institute of Latin American Studies at Columbia University. She has recently published Non-Policy Politics: Richer Voter, Poorer Voter and the Diversification of Parties Electoral Strategies (with Ernesto Calvo) and Understanding Institutional Weakness: Power and Design in Latin American Institutions (with Daniel Brinks and Steven Levitsky), both with Cambridge University Press in 2019. She works on electoral behavior, distributive politics, public policy, and institutional weakness in Latin America.

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Bruno Stagno Ugarte

Bruno Stagno Ugarte is the deputy executive director for advocacy at Human Rights Watch. He previously served as the executive director of Security Council Report from 2011-2014. Stagno was also Costa Rica’s foreign minister from 2006-2010, ambassador to the United Nations from 2002-2006, and chief of staff of the foreign ministry from 1998-2000.


Alan B. Cibils

Alan B. Cibils is a profesor of political economy at the Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento in Buenos Aires, Argentina


Federico Sturzenegger

Federico Sturzenegger was Argentina’s Central Bank President from 2015 to 2018. Today he is Full Professor at Universidad de San Andrés. He taught at UCLA, Harvard Kennedy School and Universidad Di Tella. He was Chief Economist of YPF, Secretary of Economic Policy, President of Banco Ciudad and Member of Parliament in the Chamber of Representatives. … Read more

Will Freeman

Freeman, Ph.D., is a fellow for Latin America studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.


Thomas Traumann

Thomas Traumann is a journalist and independent consultant. He is the author of O Pior Emprego do Mundo (“The Worst Job in the World”), a book about Brazilian finance ministers.


David Rockefeller, Jr.

David Rockefeller, Jr. is a lifelong businessman, philanthropist and conservationist with an active interest in the arts, social justice and ocean health.

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José Graziano da Silva

José Graziano da Silva, a native of Brazil, is former director-general of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (2012-2019).

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