Q&A: The Leadership Academy Spanning 17 Latin American Countries
Diego Ontaneda Benavides’s organization trains teenagers, most from marginalized communities, into budding changemakers.

The Colombian Think Tank Bridging Two Worlds
Casa de las Estrategias brings insights from low-income Medellín neighborhoods to the policy-making conversation.

Class Is In Session: Inside the Brazilian Schools Welcoming Venezuelans
A school on the Venezuela-Brazil border offers lessons for the whole region.

Chávez’s ‘Golden Generation’ Is Now Fighting Chavismo
Leer en español Lorena remembers her first impression of Hugo Chávez. He was the man in the poster that her father brought from the polling station after casting his vote. “He explained to me that he was the president and he was facing a re-election,” Lorena recalls. She was around six years old. “He told … Read more

As Latin America’s Economies Falter, Young Workers Lose Out
This article was updated on May 4. Latin America and the Caribbean are on course for back-to-back years of recession for the first time in 35 years, but the pain isn’t being spread equally. With some of the highest jobless rates of any age group in the region, young Latin Americans have proven particularly vulnerable to … Read more

Combating Youth Unemployment in Peru
Youth unemployment rates are near 20 percent in some areas of Peru, and not coincidentally, gang activity also is on the rise. It is a situation that cannot be ignored and one which President Ollanta Humala pledged to address during the campaign. His solution: combat gangs by promoting job training. This August, just weeks after … Read more