Cronología: Relaciones EE.UU.-América Latina durante Trump y Biden
AQ resalta los momentos más importantes en las relaciones con la región bajo los dos presidentes; del USMCA a las acciones de Biden en la frontera.

La visión de Trump: “Hacer que América crezca nuevamente”
Un segundo mandato de Trump se centraría en reactivar el crecimiento económico hemisférico a través de nearshoring y otras políticas, escribe un ex asesor.

Latin Americans Weigh In On the Next U.S. President’s Agenda
AQ asked politicians and former high-ranking officials what the next U.S. administration should focus on in the region.

Susan Segal: The Next U.S. President Should Pay More Attention to Latin America
Regardless of the election’s victor, the U.S. should seize the ample economic opportunities of closer ties with the rest of the hemisphere, writes AS/COA’s CEO.

Why a Trump Defeat Would Be a Disaster for Bolsonaro
A Biden victory would rob the Brazilian president of key political advantages that go far beyond an amicable relationship with President Trump.

The Tropical Trump? If He’s Lucky.
Bolsonaro meets his idol in Washington – but risks absorbing all the wrong lessons, writes AQ’s editor-in-chief.

What Trump’s “America First” Means for Latin America
Smart great powers ensure their safety by befriending smaller neighboring countries. China is engaged in a high-profile charm offensive to overcome long-standing animosities and draw its Southeast Asian neighbors into its orbit, through trade agreements and massive infrastructure projects. The Russia of Vladimir Putin is working hard to regain influence in territories of the former … Read more

Why U.S. Tax Reform Threatens Mexico’s Financial Future
While tweets and speeches may continue to cause consternation in Mexico and Canada, the existential threat to NAFTA seems to have passed. President Donald Trump is now talking about giving “renegotiation a good, strong shot” rather than rescinding the free trade agreement entirely. On the docket will be intellectual property, labor rights, e-commerce, rules of … Read more

Chávez on TV: What “El Comandante” Says About Rising Populism
Moisés Naím doesn’t shy away from new projects. But the Venezuelan economist and TV host’s latest creative endeavor has sparked more than the usual controversy. “El Comandante,” a telenovela about Venezuela’s late former President Hugo Chávez , takes liberties with the strongman’s biography even as it considers his legacy and sheds light on his rise … Read more

Here’s One Reason Trump Has Been Good for Democracy
Make no mistake: President Donald Trump’s policies may end up damaging the United States and bringing instability to the world order. But there is a silver lining. Since democracy is based on a contract between candidates who make promises and voters who believe them, Trump’s willingness to deliver on his campaign platform should be commended … Read more