What Trump’s FCPA Pause Means for Latin America
Suspending U.S. foreign bribery law enforcement could increase corruption risk across the region.

Bolivia Is a Warning for Mexico’s Judicial Reform
Electing judges has undermined Bolivia’s justice system’s legitimacy and independence—and weakened the country’s rule of law.

Latin America’s Security Crisis Is a Political Problem, Too
Crime and politics are becoming more entangled, undermining the region’s stability, an expert writes.

Do Latin America’s Top Prosecutors Have Too Much Power?
Recent cases illustrate how some top prosecutors throughout the region may be misusing their considerable powers.

Courts, a Last Line of Defense for Latin American Democracies
Judiciaries have, with some exceptions, been a check on leaders trying to concentrate power.

The AI Revolution Is Coming for Latin America. Is It Ready?
The region needs a regional strategy to bolster the technology’s positive effects and combat its use by bad actors, write two experts.

Are Mexicans Imagining Their Corruption Problem?
To hear some political elites tell it, Mexicans shouldn’t worry too much about corruption. Despite polls showing that citizens’ perception of corruption is higher than ever, President Enrique Peña Nieto and members of his government have recently suggested that the use of social networks has simply made long-existing crookedness more visible. Rather than fully accepting … Read more

Conoce a 5 de los jueces más valientes de Latinoamérica
Read in English Odilon de Oliveira tiene 68 años y está preocupado por su jubilación– pero no por las razones que uno se imaginaría. Siendo uno de los jueces brasilerosmás vocales, de Oliveira ha mandado a docenas de narcotraficantes conocidos a prisión por largos períodos. Pero su trabajo ha venido con costos— él y su … Read more

Meet 5 of Latin America’s Bravest Judges
Leer en español Odilon de Oliveira is 68 years old and worried about retirement – but not for the reasons you think. One of Brazil’s most outspoken criminal judges, de Oliveira has sent dozens of the country’s most wanted drug traffickers to prison for extended stays. But that work has come at a cost – he … Read more