Netflix’s “The Edge of Democracy” – Not Just For Beginners
A biased but ultimately worthwhile chronicle of Brazil’s horrible decade.
A biased but ultimately worthwhile chronicle of Brazil’s horrible decade.
With stand-up gaining fans in the region, Netflix will release 15 Spanish-language specials in 2018.
From tales of getting away to a story about staying put, these five Latin American movies make for perfect holiday weekend viewing – whatever your plans. (All currently available on Netflix U.S.) Semana Santa (2015)Though at times somber and introspective, Semana Santa, the debut feature from Mexican director Alejandra Márquez Abella, contains enough humor and hopeful … Read more
Going along with the twists and turns of Ingobernable requires something more than the suspension of disbelief: the debut episode includes the first lady of Mexico eluding secret service agents and running through the streets of Mexico City undetected (and in heels) thanks to the sly use of a popped-up jacket collar and some well-timed escapes out … Read more